
Modena, Biblioteca Estense Universitaria, α.R.4.4

[Part 2]

General information

LanguageLanguage object (48)
Approx. datec. 1350
Date notesAvalle - Casamassima 1979-1982, 21; Spetia 1997, 47-48; Zinelli 2010, 82 n. 1 indicate 14th c. However, the copy of the two letters immediately follows the integration of Part1 with Part3 according to Spetia 1997, 54: in that case, the date of Part3 should be its terminus post quem.
Place(s) of productionVeneto
Spetia 1997, 47-48.
First words of second recto folio
First words of last recto folio
Incipit[f. 211rb] [.]v noble roi melyadus . / Que tant puet (et) tant uault q(ue) nus .
Explicit[f. 212va] Saluz uos mant saluz uos uiegne . / Ce que uos volez uos auiegne

Related MS

RelationshipType object (12)Manuscript object (128)


Material:Material object (4)


Quire structure:Part2 was copied on the two final folios of the 28th quire of Part1.
Quire marks:MSQuiremarkDisposition object (18)
Catchword disposition:MSCatchwordDisposition object (12)

Physical description

General illustration:
General decoration:Not decorated. Guiding letters still visible on the left margin of the column, at the beginning of each text.
Evidence of readership:
Foliations description:

Mise en page

Description 1
Page sampled212r
LayoutMSLayout object (4)
Page dimensions340x240 (mm)
Justification240x160 (mm)
10mm between columns
Column ruling present in Colours object (4) (RulingMaterials object (3) )
Line ruling present in Colours object (4) (RulingMaterials object (3) )
RubricationNot rubricated.
Writing above top line?False
Sample page layout:


Level of Execution:Execution object (4)
ScriptScript object (1)
Folio rangeFrom 211rb to 212va
Datec. 1350
Scribe description:
NotesTwo hands from the same atelier, according Zinelli 2010, 82 n. 1