
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds français 9685

Cestui liure est apelles la bible en fra(n) / sois qui parole del uieill testam(en)t [etc., title in the rubrics]

General information

1 frontend papers
LanguageLanguage object (48)
Approx. datec. 1300
Date notes'1282-1283 circa' (Perriccioli Saggese 1979, 89) 'XIIIème - XIVème siècles' (Avril and Gousset 1984, 47) 'About 1300' (Panofsky-Saxl 1933, 262)
Place(s) of productionGenoa, Italy
Contested place of production: Northern Italy (Genoa / Pisa): Decorative features, especially the decorated initials, suggest that the MS was produced in Genoa (Avril & Gousset 1984, 47; Gousset 1988, 130) Associated with a group of MSS thought to have been produced by Pisan prisoners in Genoa following the battle of Meloria, on account of the Pisan dialect of some of the illustrators' instructions (Cigni 1993, 419-441 and 2010, 211). Naples: Identification of Franco-Swabian decorative features & linked to Neapolitan milieu (Perriccioli Saggese 2012, 352 and Degenhart & Schmitt 1977, 71-92.
First words of second recto folio[f. 3r] Eussent la poeste (et) la seigneure
First words of last recto folio[f. 161r] ??...?? lant tous les iors dema ??...??
Incipit[f.2 r] Cestui liure est apelles la bible en fra(n)- / sois qui parole del uieill testam(en)t / (et) de ??...?? coment dieu fist le ciel (et) la t(er)re / (et) leue (et) li soleil (et) la lune (et) les estoilles (et) le / firmam(en)t [...] animals (et) puis fist a / adam ??...?? (et) eu safeme ??...?? [f. 2r] QANT / DIE- / X OT/ FAI- / T LE / CIE- / L E L / A TE / RRE / 
ExplicitExplicit is illegible due to damage to the manuscript. Final words of last readable folio [161r] are provided below. ?? leu?? ligne. Ensi

Related MS

RelationshipType object (7)Manuscript object (81)
Manuscript object (63)

RelationshipType object (3)Manuscript object (422)
Manuscript object (63)

RelationshipType object (7)Manuscript object (77)
Manuscript object (29)
Manuscript object (78)
Manuscript object (224)


Material:Material object (4)
Condition:Damage to folios makes parts of text illegible e.g. f. 161v; f. 150r. Localised staining (e.g. ff. 136 - 141) and sections of significant fading (e.g. f. 83va; f. 96rb; f. 117v).



1-9(8); 10-11(10); 12-18(8); 19(12)

Quire structure:Quires are numbered using Roman numerals, although not all quire marks are present (e.g. f. 73v) Occasionally catchwords are not consistent with the subsequent text (e.g. f. 57v), although the text is complete.
Quire marks:MSQuiremarkDisposition object (10)
Catchword disposition:MSCatchwordDisposition object (9)

Physical description

No. of illustrations:73
General illustration:Illustrations of various sizes and positions, including full-page, bottom- and top-centred. Lower-margin illustrations are predominant. Full page illustrations occur in Genesis (f.1v), Troy (f.94v-95r; f.106r). Oltrogge 1989, 36-37 identifies the following attributes: compact proportions, large oval faces, tip-tilted noses and a receding chin, wig-like hair, stiff posture and schematic, angular movement. Representations of landscapes and architecture are scarce.
General decoration:Hierarchy of decoration in this manuscript is as follows: 1) Large historiated initials introduce new segments. In the case of segment 4 (Greeks and Amazons), the initial is not historiated but decorated. 2) A historiated initial also appears in the Noah chapter of segment 1 (Genesis), suggesting not only an emphasis on the Noah story, but also that the Genesis segment should be considered in two parts. The high-level segment structure of the text in this manuscript, as implied by the use of historiated / decorated initials, is therefore: i.) Genesis I (f.2ra - f.6ra) ii.) Noah / Genesis II (f.6ra-65rb) iii.) Thebes (f.65rb-f.84vb) iv.) Greeks & Amazons (f.84vb-f.88va) v.) Troy (f.88va-f.127va) vi.) Rome I (f.127va-f.144ra) vii.) Orient II (f.144ra-161v) 3) Rubrication and chapter numbers are used to indicate chapters within segments (numbered 2-263). Following the introductory rubrication of each chapter, the narrative begins with a large initial alternately decorated in blue (black?) and red. There are occasional gaps where these initials are missing e.g. f.92ra and f.92va. NB. MFLCOF segments 2 and 6 (Orient I and Eneas) are not indicated in this manuscript by a historiated / decorated initial but by rubrication and chapter numbering only (109 and 186 respectively). They should therefore be considered, here, not as segments, but as chapters. 4) For five of the seven segments above, the start of the new segment is also the start of a new chapter, and so the historiated / decorated initial is accompanied by rubrication and chapter numbers (except in the case of chapter 1, which is not numbered). The segment and chapter divisions coincide at the following points: Genesis II (f.6ra): Chapter 9 Troy (f.88va): Chapter 158 (NB: only the first letter of the introductory sentence is rubricated; the chapter number has faded but has been inferred from surrounding chapter numbers) Rome I (f.127va): Chapter 216 (NB: rubrication and chapter number on 127rb) Orient II (f.144ra): Chapter 240 5) For the other two segments, the segment break (indicated by historiated / decorated initial) occurs mid-chapter; as such, there is no accompanying rubrication / chapter number (f.65rb, beginning of Thebes segment, which occurs in the middle of chapter 115; and f.84vb, beginning of Greeks and Amazons segment, which occurs in the middle of chapter 151).
Evidence of readership:Some folios have been annotated e.g. f. 36rb and f. 37r. A non-professional drawing of a knight on the verso of the flyleaf may have been drawn by a reader / owner of the ms.
Foliations description:Modern foliation with beginning of text on f. 2r. Note that f. 111 appears twice in Gallica.

Mise en page

Description 1Typical prose layout in two columns. Illustrations have simple borders, on 3 or 4 sides.
Page sampled
LayoutMSLayout object (3)
Page dimensions290x215 (mm)
Justification205x145 (mm)
10mm between columns
RubricationRubrication is used for chapter divisions .
Writing above top line?False
Sample page layout:


Level of Execution:Execution object (4)
ScriptScript object (2)
Folio rangeFrom 2r to 161v
Datec. 1300
Scribe description:


DescriptionAll notes taken from Avril & Gousset 1984, 48: At top of f. 1 has been written 'Questo libro e difilippo flgliolo che fue demarozzo degianfigliazzo'. The Gianfigliazzi were a Florentine Guelph family. Another fourteenth-century note, also on f. 1, reads: 'In nomine Domini Amen. Nos Ugolinus de dominos de Cucuers (?) hunc ord. f...' During the fifteenth century the ms. was in France in the possession of Jacques de Chastelmorant whose signature appears on f.161r. Jacques de Chastelmorant 'était le petit-fils de Jean de Chateaumorant, aventurier français qui participa aux expéditions contre les Turcs avec le maréchal de Boucicaut, et qui séjourna fréquemment à Gênes'. Ex-libris inserted between the columns on f. 11r is that of the Augustinians of La Voulte-sur-Rhône. Ex-libris on the pastedown 'Ex Biblioteca Augustiana Lugdunensis' shows that the MS subsequently belonged to an Augustinian monastery in Lyon.
Date?1300 to 1325
PlacePlace object (23)
OwnershipPerson object (64)