Library: | Bibliothèque nationale de France |
Sheflmark: | fonds français 760 |
Information source: |
Physical description: InformationSource object (1) Segmentation: InformationSource object (2) |
Described by: | bburgwinkle, nmorato, hgrange |
Description: | Ordinary BnF binding. Red binding in morocco with the arms of the King of France. |
Date : | None |
Title on binding: | ROMAN / DE / TRISTAN |
Cover material: | Material object (6) |
Board material: | None |
Fastening: | |
Chaining: | |
Edges: | |
Front end papers (3): | 3 front endpapers in paper, blank except for the verso of the third on which a modern hand has copied the incipit: 'Cestui livre parle de Mgr Tristan li fis au roy Meliadus / de Leonois, et de Mongs. Lancelot fils au roy Ban de / Benois, et de tos les biaus chevaliers dou reaume de Logres / Et devise du tourn <...> qui ferus fu devant le chastel de Lovezerp / et si com m. L. le vainqui par sa grant chevalerie'. |
End papers (2): | 2 endpapers in paper left blank. |
Link (subject to external change and may not function consistently.) | |
Colour? | Black and White |
Completeness | Full |
Notes |
Reference | 'Per la storia del Roman de Tristan in Italia', Cultura neolatina, 40 (1980), 211-29 , |
Notes | |
Reference | 'Per un riesame della tradizione del Tristan in prosa, con nuove osservazioni sul ms. Paris, BnF, fr. 756-757', in Francesco Benozzo (ed.), Culture, livelli di cultura e ambienti nel Medioevo occidentale. Atti del IX Convegno della Società Italiana di Filologia Romanza (S.I.F.R.), Bologna, 5-8 ottobre 2009 (Rome: Aracne, 2012), pp. 247-78 , |
Notes | |
Reference | Études sur le 'Tristan' en prose: les sources, les manuscrits, bibliographie critique (Paris: Champion, 1925) , |
Notes | pp. 43-4 |
MS Parts
Title | Date | Place | Dedicatee |
De monseingnor Tristan, li filz au roi Meliadus de Leonois (rubric) | ?1275 to 1300 | Genoa-Pisa | none |
Related MS
MS Part Library: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Shelfmark: | fonds français 760 |
MS Part Title: | De monseingnor Tristan, li filz au roi Meliadus de Leonois (rubric) |
Ms Part Folios: | 127 folios |
Page layout: |
MS Part Material: | Material object (4) |
Watermark: | |
Condition: | Rather thick and rigid vellum, worn in several places. There are sewn tears (e.g. ff. 48, 100, 103, etc.), and holes within the writing space avoided by the scribe (e.g. ff. 49ra and 49vb) as well as outside the writing space (e.g. one at f. 59 and two at f. 99). The lower outer corner is missing from the final four folios, and the third and fourth from the end have been trimmed along a curve, cutting off a portion of column b of the recto and a of the verso. |
Date Information
Date(s): | ?1275 to 1300 |
Notes: | 'XIVe siècle' (Vinaver 1925, 43); 'sec. XIVin' (Delcorno Branca 1980, 214); 'late 13th-early 14th cent.' (Allaire 2002, 20); 'sec. XIIIex' (Cigni 2012, 264). |
Level of Execution: | Execution object (4) |
Folio(s): | From to |
Date(s): | ?1275 to 1300 |
Scribe description: |
Folios: 1ra - 127rb
1ra - 108vb
(§Lös 338b-Lös 384) Tournament of Louvezerp (Italian Sequence 2 (It. 2))
Paratextual features:
- ParatextualType object (2) f. 1ra
- ParatextualType object (10) f. 108vb
109ra - 109va
(§Lös. 516-Lös. 533) Marc's invasion of Logres (Version One (V.I.))
Paratextual features:
- ParatextualType object (2)
- ParatextualType object (3)
- ParatextualType object (8)
109va - 126rb
(§Lös. 534-Lös. 570) Death of the lovers, Sagremor's return to Camaaloth, and epilogue (Italian Sequence 3 (It. 3))
Paratextual features:
- ParatextualType object (3) 109va
- ParatextualType object (2) f. 109va
- ParatextualType object (10) 126rb