Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reginense Latino 1505

L'estoire de Troye et de Greze (rubric)

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General information

Folio notes:Contains only the 'Roman de Troie'.
LanguageLanguage object (48)
Approx. date?1267 to 1349
Date notesConstans thought that the first two quires were copied 'au dernier tiers du XIIIe siècle', and the rest during 'la 1re moitié du XIVe' (1912, VI:50). Jung suggests a slightly narrower date range: 'fin du XIIIe et début du XIVe siècle' (1996, 274; cf. Busby 2002, II:608).
Place(s) of production
'May be of Central Italian origin', on art historical grounds (Buchthal 1971, 14; cf. Jung 1996, 274). Constans notes numerous Italianisms in the language of the copyists (1912, VI:51).
First words of second recto folio[f. 2ra] Il cravantarent Ylion (Jung 1996, 274)
First words of last recto folio
Incipit[f. 1ra] Ici comence le prolege en l'estoire de Troye et de Greze faite por Daire et por Ditis et translatee en françois por Beneoit de Sainte More / Salemons nos ensegne e dit (Jung 1996, 274)
Explicit[f. 232va] C  il se porroient molt bien taire. / D  e loure blasmer (et) retraire . / C  ar tels iuoldrent afaitier . / Q(ui)  tost iporreit enpirier . / C  elui gart dex (et) tienge (et) uoie . / Q(ui)  bien essauce (et) molteploie. / A  M  E  I  S . / Explicit Romancium belle troianor(um). / Explicit. / Finito libro referamus gr(ati)a (Christ)o. / C  i faut li romanz de troie . / D  eus mantegne (et) doint joie . / C  elui qui le fist escrire . / E  t celuí qui ot pene alescrire / (Et) jor (et) nuít isoffri g(ra)nz martire . / C  i poet lom tel chose lire . / O  lom deureít g(ra)nz sen prendre . / (Et) qui raison set entendre / N  e croie que p(ar) ??r??omanz / S  eit dannez nus homs uíuanz . Icest líure ot chartres .C.C.xxxiiij.or / por la graze de Dies et saint jaque. // 

Related MS

'Related iconographically' (Busby 2002, II:608).
RelationshipType object (13)Manuscript object (368)
Manuscript object (334)
Manuscript object (371)


Material:Material object (4)



1-68 7-1010 119 12-1410 159 16-2410 257

Quire structure:Originally composed of six quaternions, 18 quinions, and a quire of 7 leaves. Quire 11 now wants its final leaf (between ff. 97 and 98), and quire quire 15 its second (between ff. 128 and 129). See Jung 1996, 274-5.
Quire marks:
Catchword disposition:

Physical description

No. of illustrations:260
General illustration:257 miniatures, mostly page-width, occupy the upper, lower, or middle of pages. Two are full-page miniatures. Some are framed. See Jung 1996, 277-87 for further details. There are historiated initials marking vv. 1, 715 and 2825 and representing Salomon, Peleus and Darès respectively.
General decoration:Within the decorative frame of f. 1r, a shield sable two fesses or in chief a lion passant or. Apart from the historiated initials, there are no other large initials. Paragraphs are marked by small pen-flourished initials (height: 2 lines, or 3 lines for the second scribe), alternating red and blue, with decoration in the contrasting colour.
Evidence of readership:Carefully revised, e.g. 'vacat' marks the repeated passage on ff. 88vb-89vb, 'a' and 'b' used to reorder lines on f. 175vb, etc. f. 1r: signature of Bourdelot.
Foliations description:Traces of medieval foliation on f. 98v: 'carte .c.'. The modern foliation runs 1-74, 74 bis, 75-232.

Mise en page

Description 1Source: Jung 1996, 274. The first and third scribes use end-line points.
Page sampled
LayoutMSLayout object (4)
Page dimensions284x220 (mm)
Justification210x160 (mm)
mm between columns
RubricationRubricated tituli mark the major divisions of the narrative. Red ink is also used to name characters depicted in the miniatures, and to highlight majuscules.
Writing above top line?False
Sample page layout:


Level of Execution:None
ScriptScript object (1)
Folio rangeFrom 1ra to 16vb
Date?1267 to 1299
Scribe description:

Level of Execution:None
ScriptScript object (1)
Folio rangeFrom 17ra to 223rb
Date?1300 to 1349
Scribe description:

Level of Execution:None
ScriptScript object (1)
Folio rangeFrom 223va to 232va
Date?1300 to 1349
Scribe description: