Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, 446 E

Le livre de monseignor Tristan (rubric)

» Full parent manuscript detail

General information

1 frontend papers
1 backend papers
LanguageLanguage object (3)
Approx. date?1280 to 1310
Date notesCigni 2012, 258; Delcorno Branca 1998, 51. Above dates acc. Delcorno Branca.
Place(s) of productionGenoa-Pisa
Genoa-Pisa (Cigni 2012, 258; Delcorno Branca 1998, 51); Genoa (Avril - Gousset 1984); Naples (Degenhart - Schmitt 1980, 226 n. 676).
First words of second recto folio[f. 2r] chacier (et) senrepairoit a poi deco(m) / paignie (et) senaloit aun chastel / qi pres diluec estoir. Et la ou il / cheuauchoit en tel maniere de / sus la riuiere. Il ap(er)coit dela fosse / ou li Roys apollo estoit enterres. /
First words of last recto folio[f. 127ra] Je ??si?? faisnais. Je uos puis bien / ??rendre?? mes armes (et) Je le uos ret(??). / Et que en diroie  ie uos rent ma / ch(evale)rie touz feitz (et) toute p(ro)esces (et)/ toz hardement mestuet desormes laissier q(ue) les lais (et) outre mon gre. / Qar force de mort le me fait faire
Incipit[f. 1r] Ceste livre est apelles le li / ure de mo(n)seignor Trist(a)n le filz leRoy melyadus de leono / is (et) q(ui) com(men)ce premierema(n)t de la / naissa(n)ce (et) q??(ue)?? puis ap(re)s de ses ch(evale)ries.  / et ses grant meruoilles qil fist / ta(n)t co(m) il vesqui q(ui) com(men)ce ensit. / EN CE/ STE / PAR/ TIE / DIT / LI CONT / ES Q / E TA / NT D/ EMO / ra li Rois Apollo ala cort li Roi(s)/ Cloudex com il li plot.
Explicit[f. 127rb] Et puis dit tot / emplorant . Huimais vos ??coma(n)t?? / ie adieu qe ie ie ne ues puis ??plus?? / regarder lecuer me crieue de dolors /(et) puis redit a sagremor. Huim / es porres prendre mes armes. Je uos baill mon ??...?? (et) ma arme. / Enleu demoy les honores se vos / onq(ue)s .T. (ristan) amastes qant uos serez / a kamaalot . Entes les metre en [f. 127v. illegible.]

Related MS

Numerous codicological and iconographical similarities (Delcorno Branca 1998, 59).
RelationshipType object (7)Manuscript object (388)
Manuscript object (129)
Manuscript object (390)
Manuscript object (422)
Manuscript object (433)
Manuscript object (396)
Manuscript object (389)


Material:Material object (4)
Condition:All high quality vellum, with usual variations in thickness, neatly cut and edged.



18-1 2-168

Acc. dossier, however, final quire is in disarray, with the correct order being ff. 120, 122, 126, 123, 124, 121, 125, 127.

Quire structure:Apart from last quire, all are regular quaternions.
Quire marks:MSQuiremarkDisposition object (9)
Catchword disposition:MSCatchwordDisposition object (4)

Physical description

General description:For the most part well-preserved, although illustrations are slightly worn, especially when in the lower corner of the folio.
No. of illustrations:41
General illustration:Large number of large bas-de-page illustrations appropriate to particular moments in the narrative. Some very worn, but gilding still evident.
General decoration:A few large initials with paisley decorated champs. Otherwise minimal.
Evidence of readership:No marginalia.
Foliations description:One continuous modern pencil foliation, upper-right corner, recto. Occasional older (19th-c.) foliation in ink, also top right.

Mise en page

Description 1
Page sampledf. 12r
LayoutMSLayout object (3)
Page dimensions376x244 (mm)
Justification257x158 (mm)
15mm between columns
Column ruling present in Colours object (4) (RulingMaterials object (3) )
Line ruling present in Colours object (4) (RulingMaterials object (3) )
Writing above top line?False
Sample page layout:


Level of Execution:Execution object (4)
ScriptScript object (1)
Folio rangeFrom f. 1r to f. 127v
Date?1280 to 1300
Scribe description:Particularities: two-compartment 'a'; horizontal riser to 'd'; 'f' and long 's' do not extend below the line. Fusions throughout: 'an' among others. Nota tironiana much used. 'Tristan' often abbreviated to ‘.T.’ in the text itself (e.g. f. 11va).