Modena, Biblioteca Estense Universitaria, α.R.4.4
[Part 3]
General information
Folios | 292 frontend papers1 backend papers |
Language | Language object (55) |
Approx. date | c. 1350 |
Date notes | Avalle - Casamassima 1979-1982, 19 and 25, accepted by Spetia 1997, 47. |
Place(s) of production | VenetoTrevise, according to Spetia 1997, 42 and 57-60. |
First words of second recto folio | |
First words of last recto folio | |
Incipit | |
Explicit | |
Material: | Material object (4) |
Watermark: | |
Condition: | |
Collation: | 1-38, 48-2 |
Quire structure: | Quaternions, with two folios missing in the fourth quire, see Spetia 1997, 23-25: "les mots de réclame, placés bien au-dessous du numéro fasciculaire, sont encadrés par un décor [...]. Ce système, inconnu de la première partie du codex, constitue un des indices [...] qui autorisent à voir dans le second manuscrit [=Part3] un produit ajouté plus tard au codex originaire (p. 24). |
Quire marks: | MSQuiremarkDisposition object (10) |
Catchwords: | |
Catchword disposition: | MSCatchwordDisposition object (7) |
Physical description
General description: | Part3 closely imitates Part1, cf. Avalle-Casamassima 1979-1982, 25-28. |
General illustration: | |
General decoration: | Initials alternately in red and blue, with pen flourishes. Decoration due to the second decorator of Part 1, cf. Avalle-Casamassima 1979-82, 21 and Spetia 1997, 43-45. |
Evidence of readership: | Drawings, scribbles and textual integrations by later readers and / or owners at ff. 232v, 233r 257r and 260r (14th c). For more details, see Spetia 1997, 55-56 n. 162, who thinks that they could be due to Pietro da Ceneda. |
Foliations description: | Numbering in ink by a 16th c. hand. |
Mise en page
Description 1 | |
Page sampled | 233r |
Layout | MSLayout object (4) |
Page dimensions | 340x240 (mm) |
Justification | 240x270 (mm) |
Columns | 216mm between columns |
Lines | 42 |
Rubrication | Rubrication due to the copyist (c). |
Writing above top line? | False |
Sample page layout: | |
Description | Owner marks at f. 216r and 260v, "Liber mag(istr)i Petre de Cenet" written from the right to the left. Cf. Spetia 1997 pp. 48-49 and 52-54. Spetia belives that "Pietro da Ceneda serait entré en possession du premier manuscrit [=Part1] justement à Trévise et qu'il aurait fait confectioner là le second manuscrit [Part2]" (p. 48) and suggests that the texts of Part3 were added immediately afterwards, maybe by Pietro himself. | |
Date | c. 1350 | |
Place | Place object (177) | |
Ownership | Person object (79) | |
Description | A note at t f. 261v indicates a new ownership and a shelfmark of the MS: "Zua(n) Malipp(er)o cataneus s(ub)s(cripsi)". | |
Date | ?1490 to 1510 | |
Place | Place object (11) | |
Ownership | Person object (81) | |