Modena, Biblioteca Estense Universitaria, α.R.4.4
[Part 1]
General information
Folios | 230 |
Language | Language object (59) |
Approx. date | ?1254 |
Date notes | The dating of this MS Part depends on the interpretation of the Latin rubric at the beginning of the table(f. Ira) : "In I(he)su Ch(rist)i nomine, anno eiusde(m) / natiuitatis millesimo ducentesi / mo quinquagesimo quarto Indic / tione duodecima die Mercurij / duodecimo Intrante Augusto.". According to Zinelli 2010, 83-86 - in line with with Bertoni (and others) and more recently Avalle-Casamassima 1979-1982, vol. I, 19 and 25-26 - this rubric was copied from the model of the MS. For other scholars, starting from Mussafia, De Lollis (and others) and, more recently, Spetia 1997, 45; Zufferey 2007, 178; Lachin 2008, XVIII, the date refers to the copy of the first codicological unit of the MS [=Part1]. |
Place(s) of production | VenetoTrevise, according to Spetia 1997, 42 and 57-60. Zuffrey 2007, 179 and 183 is more cautious: "issu d'un scriptorium vénète (vraisemblablement Trévise)" and "vénète (peut-être Trévise)". Zinelli 2010, who adds at p. 93 "quella di una localizzazione veneziana resta soprattutto una tentazione, ancora prima che un'ipotesi di lavoro". |
Table of contents | The table is included in ff. I-VIII (a bifolio + a binion + a bifolio). Spetia 1997, 25 and more explicitly Lachin 2008, XX-XXI consider that this collation is original, while Zinelli 2010, 84-85 n. 9 thinks that 1) the original structure was that of a quire; 2) the two external bifolios of the quire fell at some point; 3) they were later restaured as an initial and a final bifolio. The table starts at f. Ira and ends at f. VIIIva, see Spetia 1997, 28. |
First words of second recto folio | |
First words of last recto folio | |
Incipit | |
Explicit | |
Material: | Material object (4) |
Watermark: | |
Condition: | |
Collation: | 1-118, 128-1, 13-198, 208-6, 21-298, 308-1 |
Quire structure: | Quaternions with a few lacunae, see Spetia 1997, 23-5. |
Quire marks: | MSQuiremarkDisposition object (9) |
Catchwords: | |
Catchword disposition: | MSCatchwordDisposition object (7) |
Physical description
General illustration: | |
General decoration: | Initials alternately in red and blue with pen-flourishes. Two decorators, the second is responsible also for the decoration of Part 3. Cf. Avalle-Casamassima 1979-82, 21 and Spetia 1997, 43-45. |
Evidence of readership: | On the table, it is possible to read some notes at f. Iv and Vv, written by a contemporary hand. Textual corrections and integrations by later readers and / or owners at ff. 120v and 134r (14th-15th c). For more details, see Spetia 1997, 55-56 n. 162. Notes and marks by Pietro Bembo at ff. 44ra, 55rb and va, 63ra, 172ra and elsewhere in the MS, see Spetia 1997, 56-57. |
Foliations description: | Two foliations: 1) modern foliation in arab numerals in pencil on the top right corner of the recto of each folio. The table was numbered by the same hand in Roman numerals; 2) 16th c. foliation in seppia made by Pietro Bembo, who indicated the corresponding folios numbers on the side of the table (with some inconsistencies, see Spetia 1997, 29 n. 46). |
Mise en page
Description 1 | The number of lines is variable (39-46) in the sections copied by the copyist a, see Spetia 2007, 25-27. |
Page sampled | 217r |
Layout | MSLayout object (8) |
Page dimensions | 340x240 (mm) |
Justification | 240x170 (mm) |
Columns | 216mm between columns Column ruling present in Colours object (4) (RulingMaterials object (3) ) |
Lines | 42Line ruling present in Colours object (4) (RulingMaterials object (3) ) |
Rubrication | Rubrication by the first hand (a), who wrote the names of the poets and numbered the texts in Roman numerals in the margins. See Spetia 1997, 36-39. |
Writing above top line? | False |
Sample page layout: | |
Level of Execution: | Execution object (4) |
Script | Script object (1) |
Folio range | From to |
Date | ?1254 |
Scribe description: | Two hands, second half of the 13th c. (Avalle-Casamassima 1979-82; Spetia 1997, 30; Zinelli 2010). The first hand (a) copied the table, ff. 1-94 (quire 1 to 12) and ff. 153-231 (quire 21 to 30); while the second (b) copied ff. 95-152 (quire 13 to 20). "Le premier manuscrit est donc fruit d'un travail d'équipe accompli dans un scriptorium, selon la pratique de la pecia" (Spetia 1997, 30). |
Notes | Spetia 1997, 24-27 attributes to (a) the quire numbers in Part1, that have been written with the same red ink that this copyist used for the rubrics. On the contrary, Avalle-Casamassima 1979-1982, 21 think that the quire numbering is due to 4 different hands. Spetia also attributes to (a) the corrections in the margins, that Avalle-Casamassima 1979-82, 21-22 thought to be the work of the director of the scriptorium that manufactured Part1. |
Description | Owner marks at f. 216r and 260v, "Liber mag(istr)i Petre de Cenet" written from the right to the left. Cf. Spetia 1997 pp. 48-49 and 52-54. Spetia belives that "Pietro da Ceneda serait entré en possession du premier manuscrit [=Part1] justement à Trévise et qu'il aurait fait confectioner là le second manuscrit [Part2]" (p. 48) and suggests that the texts of Part3 were added immediately afterwards, maybe by Pietro himself. | |
Date | 1300 to 1350 | |
Place | Place object (177) | |
Ownership | Person object (79) | |
Description | At f. 231v, a note on 5 lines written in "une élégante minuscule de chancellerie" (Spetia 1997, 52) was scraped off or effaced. It is still possible to read "Bancius" and "palacio". Cf. Camus 1891, 61; Avalle - Casamassima 1979-82, 21; Spetia 1997, 52-54. Spetia (who accepts 1254 as dating for Part1 and Bancius as possible its first owner or even patron) adds that this kind of script started to be used at the end of the 13th c., thus the note must have been written later than 1254. After observing that in Treviso the anthroponym "Bancius" is not frequent, Spetia indicates the presence of a "Bancius Johannis de Prando" in a document added to the statuses of the Da Camino (the document can be dated to 1259-1260). | |
Date | ?1260 to 1300 | |
Place | Place object (149) | |
Ownership | Person object (80) | |