Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 45

[Part 1]

» Full parent manuscript detail

General information

Folio notes:Folios 30r-32v, 48v left blank, presumably to allow a new text to start in a new quire.
LanguageLanguage object (54)
Approx. datec. 1275 to 1325
Date notesParker Library on the web has 14th c. The writing , with predominantly double-bow 'a' suggests a date in the late 13th or early 14th c.
Place(s) of productionFrance
Parker Library on the web locates the two scribal hands in France, perhaps Southern France.
First words of second recto folio[f. 2ra] potina . regiuz
First words of last recto folio[f. 84ra] niecta dei et in sacrame(n)tis
Incipit[f. 1ra] De origine prima gentis francor(um) et eorum / processu // Franci origine fuere toiani . paga /
Explicit[f. 84va] petedo ea alcius duximus (con)scribendum //


Material:Material object (4)
Condition:Some stitches and holes, also in the written space.


Quire structure:
Quire marks:
Catchword disposition:

Physical description

General illustration:Genealogical illustration in the 'Genealogia regum Francorum' (ff. 33r-48v).
General decoration:This part of the MS opens with a large foliate initial (f. 1ra) in blue and red, decorated with goldleaf. Border of blue and red bars, on the same page, decorated with goldleaf and blue and white flourishings. Some vine-leafs. Similar decoration mostly associated with the start of a new text, on ff. 33r., 49r, 51r, 61r, 72r, 73r, 80r. Pen-decorated initials (height: 2 lines), alternatingly blue and red with flourishings in the other colour. Litterae notabiliores and paragraph signs, both blue and red, in the text.
Evidence of readership:Marginal annotations in Latin (e.g. ff. 2r, 2v, 3r). On f. 84va, erased inscription in Latin ('Iste liber...'). Early-modern reference in Latin to twenty-one books on King Arthur printed by the London printer William Copland. This may refer to his 'Arthur of Brytayn. The hystory of the moost noble and valyaunt knyght Arthur of lytell Brytayne' printed in 1560 for his fellow printer Robert Redborne.
Foliations description:Modern foliation in arabic numerals in the upper right corner of the recto.

Mise en page

Description 1Measurements from Parker Library on the web.
Page sampled
LayoutMSLayout object (3)
Page dimensions335x235 (mm)
Justification (mm)
mm between columns
RubricationTituli and running titles in plain ink. Red ink used in genealogical tables.
Writing above top line?False
Sample page layout:


Level of Execution:Execution object (4)
ScriptScript object (4)
Folio rangeFrom f. 1ra to f. 84vb
Datec. 1275 to 1325
Scribe description:Parker Library on the web: 'two hands seem to be employed, of cent. xiv. They are French, perhaps South French.' Two-compartment 'a', with open and closed upper compartment (double-lobe 'a'); the lower lobe of 8-like 'g' is small, sometimes standing on the baseline. Round 's' in final position. Ascender of 't' does not extend above the headstroke.