Please note: while we do not claim that our datasets for all six of our textual traditions are complete, we currently offer data relating to over 90 % of known manuscripts of Guiron le courtois, the Histoire ancienne, the Roman de Troie, and the Tristan en prose. Data entry for the Lancelot en prose and the Roman d'Alexandre is ongoing, and currently more than 80% complete for the Lancelot. In the meantime, searches relating to the Roman d'Alexandre and the Lancelot en prose will necessarily give incomplete results, which may be in need of further editing. If you spot any errors or have any comments, we could be very grateful if you could send us an email using the contact tab on the menu bar.

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    Hole in vellum, probably made during preparation; the text has been written around the hole. Cologny, Bibliothèque Martin Bodmer, 18, 67v.
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    A dog in the margin. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds français 95.
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    Decorated 'n' following illuminated 'E'. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds français 95.
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    "Or dist li contes..." - Historiated "O" with horse-conga. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds français 95.
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    Rubrication: exposition in red ink. Paris, Bibliotheque nationale de France, fond francias 256.
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    Missing pen-flourished initial; only the guide-letter is present.Cologny, Bibliothèque Martin Bodmer, 18, 56v.
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    Made a mistake? Cross it out neatly & carry on! Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds français 143.

Medieval Francophone Literary Culture Outside France was an AHRC-funded research project that ran from April 2011 to early 2015. It set out to investigate the movement across Europe and beyond of Francophone literature c.1200-c.1450. The project involved collaboration between King’s College, London (KCL), University College London (UCL), and the University of Cambridge. The project team included specialists on the relations between the langue d’oïl (or medieval Northern French) and major European languages (Dutch, Catalan, English, German, Italian, Latin, Spanish). Our aim was to explore how key literary texts travelled along two main axes: a northern route that stretches from England across the Low Countries to Burgundy and the Rhineland; a southern route across the Alps to Northern Italy and out into the Mediterranean and Adriatic seas, to the Middle East. The database of manuscripts of six key textual traditions that is made available through this website is intended to facilitate research on cultural and linguistic identity, on medieval textuality, and on the literary history of Europe.