Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, francese Z XXIII

C[...] le [...] monseignor / Tr[...]n [...]a sa naissa / nce. // (title in the rubric)

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General information

2 frontend papers
2 backend papers
Folio notes:Modern foliation in pencil on the top-right corner of the recto, and 18th-c. foliation partly effaced (the numbering skips f. 56, and from this point on is short by one unit). At f. 64v, a modern hand wrote "carte LXV".
LanguageLanguage object (48)
Approx. date?1275 to 1325
Date notesCigni c.s., ("fine sec. XIII"); Bisson 2008, 107 ("Fine del XIII secolo"); Delcorno Branca 1998, 57 ("Sec. XIV in.").
Place(s) of productionGenoa-Pisa
Cf. supra.
First words of second recto folio[f. 2ra] oie il pence que ce porroit
First words of last recto folio[f. 64ra] son escu (et) es espee
Incipit[f. 1ra] C[...] le [...] monseignor / Tr[...]n [...]a sa naissa / nce. // (rubric) E / N ceste partie dit li contes / que alendemain uint la / damoiselle [...] (et) li dem / anda que il auoit troue en / t (et) cil li dit tout la uerite / quil nen ose seler riens / Coment mestre fet la damo / iselle si ma ensint refussee /
Explicit[f. 64vb] ap(re)s legrant trauail dicestui li / ure enque ge ai demore un au / entier si que ge ai lasses tote / ch(vale)rie (et) tos autres solas (et) mast / re gualtiers map qi fist lepro / pre liure de lanc(elot) (et) miss(ire) Rob / ert deburon (et) ge meemes qi / sui apelles helyes de boron / tot q(ue) nos auon menes afin / ie acomplirai se dex mi dont  ta / nt deuie / que ge puisse cellui / liure metre afin (et) ie endroit / moi merci m(ou)lt leroi heri [sic] m / on seignor dece qil loe lemie / liure (et) de ce qil li done si gra(n)t / p(r)is. // finito libris deo grasias


Material:Material object (4)
Condition:Vellum of medium quality, sometimes thick and rigid, stained and damaged by humidity particularly in the external corners and margins. Many holes and tears, often outside the writing space, usually restored or stitch up if in the writing space. Larger restorations at ff. 22 and 64.



18 26 3-78 86 94 (cf. Bisson 2008, 107).

Quire structure:
Quire marks:
Catchword disposition:MSCatchwordDisposition object (9)

Physical description

No. of illustrations:22
General illustration:Illustrations are located on the bottom of the page or in the center of it, sometimes they are framed. Not all of them have been finished and coloured. Although the drawings are rather simple, they are stylistically coherent and colours are bright and enriched by the use of gold. The illustration often develops in the margins along the writing space with architectural elements (remarkably, the open pavilion at f. 30r). A contemporary cursive hand added the names of the characters, while under the images it is sometimes possible to read a caption with indications in Italian for the illuminator, often faded or cut (cf. Benedetti 1990). According to Bisson (2008, 108): 'Il miniatore di questo codice è il medesimo dei Fr. 9 e Fr. 11. Il suo nome potrebbe essere Rodolfo da San Gimignano [cf. ibid., p. 46]. L'apparato decorativo è riferibile alla fine del XIII secolo e all'area genovese.'
General decoration:At f. 1ra, rubric and large historiated initial hosting a knight, that occupy the whole width of the column. Its upper edge ends with foliage decoration that develops in the left margin of the column with coloured figures. There are a few other great initials (e.g. f. 38v, height: 10 lines), framed in bright and soft colours, sometimes faded, with foliage decoration inside the letter. Chapters are usually maked by small initials (height: 2-3 lines), red or blue with blue or red elegant though not wide pen flourishes, not always alternated (e.g. at the beginning of the MS, initials are almost exclusively red).
Evidence of readership:There are a few crosses on the margin of the columns. At f. 1r, on the top, a modern hand wrote 'Credo sia Tristain cioè Tristano / romanzo.'
Foliations description:

Mise en page

Description 1
Page sampled16v
LayoutMSLayout object (3)
Page dimensions338x22 (mm)
Justification220x128 (mm)
13mm between columns
Column ruling present in Colours object (4) (RulingMaterials object (3) )
Line ruling present in Colours object (4) (RulingMaterials object (3) )
Rubricationonly at f. 1ra, cf. supra.
Writing above top line?False
Sample page layout:


Level of Execution:Execution object (4)
ScriptScript object (1)
Folio rangeFrom 1ra to 64vb
Date1275 to 1325
Scribe description:Bisson 2008, 108: 'scrittura rotondeggiante e quasi senza effetti di chiaroscuso; si distingue per il disegno particolare della lettera r. Alterna l'abbreviazione 7 all'et scritto per esteso con la e maiuscola.' The final strokes of 'z', 'h', 'x' are prolonged under the baseline with a hook or a thick hairline.

Level of Execution:Execution object (4)
ScriptScript object (1)
Folio rangeFrom 17va to 18rb
Date1275 to 1325
Scribe description:This hand has approximately the same features of the first, but the letters are larger in size and the nib of the pen is also larger. Note the particularly small lower loop of 'g'.

Level of Execution:Execution object (4)
ScriptScript object (1)
Folio rangeFrom 58ra to 59rb
Date1275 to 1325
Scribe description:This hand is also coherent with the previous two, but it is larger than the first and less regular.


DescriptionThis MS was part of the Gonzaga collection, it can be identified with the n. 64 of the 1407 catalogue, cf. Braghirolli 1880 and Bisson 2008, 110.
PlacePlace object (142)
OwnershipPerson object (15)