
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, nouv. acq. françaises 6774

[Part 1]

General information

Folio notes:The 'Roman de Troie' (incomplete at the beginning) is written on ff. 1-240v; the 'Histoire ancienne' (section VI 'Eneas' and the beginning of section VII 'Rome I' until the death of Romulus) is on ff. 240v to 263v.
LanguageLanguage object (48)
Approx. date?1350 to 1399
Date notes'deuxième moitié du XIVe siècle' (Jung 1996, 250).
Place(s) of productionItaly
Jung 1996, 250. Based on script (Southern textualis), language and decoration. Notes in Italian.
First words of second recto folio[f. 2r] R  eceuz est m(ou)lt liemant /
First words of last recto folio[f. 263r]  ?les? fossez non mie m(ou)lt haulz Ce Romul(us) /
Incipit[f. 1r] E  nuers uos ne soient irie /  A  tant aplore de pitie . / P  uis se poza lez un pilier / Por son cher ami resgarder . / (l. 1875 of the Roman de Troie) (Jung 1996, 251)
Explicit[f. 263v] [...] Autens qe Ro / mulus ot . xxxvij . anz trespassa il de / ceste uie . Et au tens qe Rome auoit du / ree . iij . anz desqele estoit comencie fu / rent rauies les sabinianes dondes Ro / mains acrurent lor ligniees .


Material:Material object (4)
Condition:Lower grade vellum with many (large) holes (e.g. f. 6) and stitches (e.g. ff. 15, 16), also in the writing space, imperfections and instances in which the edge of the skin coincides with the edge of the folio (e.g. f. 18). Although in general the text is still easily legible, not all parts of the MS are in good condition. Parts of folios have been torn (e.g. f. 38); other folios are stained.



124 3-68 710 88 96 1016 11-228 23-2410 25-288 2910 30-318 326

Quire structure:Given that the first extant quire bears the quire mark III, two quires (approx. 16 ff.) have been lost from the front of the MS. Most of the quires are quaternions. The second quire (ff. 8-11) is incomplete. Quires 7 (ff. 44-53), 23-24 (ff. 180-99) and 29 (ff. 232-41) are quinions. Quire 9 (ff. 62-7) and the final quire (ff. 258-63) are sexternions. The manuscript has one exceptionally voluminous quire of 16 folios (ff. 68-83).
Quire marks:MSQuiremarkDisposition object (16)
Catchword disposition:MSCatchwordDisposition object (19)

Physical description

General description:'C'est le seul manuscrit écrit sur une seule colonne; son format oblong ne fait cependant de lui pas un livre de poche, car son épaisseur est de 50mm, ou 65mm avec la reliure, en bois, qui est d'époque.' (Jung 1996, 250) 'Le manuscrit est un recueil d''Histoire ancienne'.' (Jung 1996, 251). More specifically a history of the foundation of Rome compiled from the 'Roman de Troie' and the appropriate sections of the 'Histoire ancienne'. (DS) Segmentation 'Histoire ancienne' Segment VI: Eneas (f. 240v- 261v) Segment VII: Rome I (f. 261v-263v) verse interpolation in Rome I, incomplete (indicated by maniculum in the manuscript) Qi fait p(ro)messe ene la foult le cuer de son ami se toult . Ce napartient pas asaghome Ja Romulus qi funda Rome Neust uaincu ses anemis Se sanz doner eust p(ro)mis Ce auient mai(n)tes fois ancore Qil sunt mai(n)t hault home autens dore Qi m(ou)lt p(ro)mettent senz doner Ja diex ne lor puisse pardoner Qi lor p(ar)doint lor seignorie E lor homes e lor bailie Qe quant qe il uont sauuoia(n)t Lor reuendra auies deuant Nen dirai plus chascuns se gard E de soi praigne tel regard Qi sa grand t(er)re a abailir Qil en poroient senz failir A ce p(ri)st garde Romulus Car il nestoit ne cuens ne dus Ne p(ar) te(r)re ne p(ar) bailie Qe nus hom li eust bailie Mes en lui se p(ro)ua nature Qe les gentiux cuers rasegure
General illustration:none
General decoration:The text is structured by means of pen-decorated initials (height: 2 lines), alternatingly blue and red with flourishings in the contrasting colour. The pen-decoration is often elaborate (e.g. ff. 125, 190), with floral patterns, masks, dragons, but has not always been completed. The selection from the 'Histoire ancienne' opens with a decorated initial (height: 3 lines, red on a blue field with white flourishings). Larger subdivions are indicated by means of larger pen-decorated puzzle initials (height: 3 lines). The section from the 'Histoire ancienne' has rubricated tituli.
Evidence of readership:Pastedown: annotation (copies of quotes from the text?). Flyleaf annotation. f. 1r: shelfmark 'Fr. nouv acq. 6774' f. 91r: 'nota' (battle between Trojans and Greeks) f. 98r: 'no': 'a feme dure duel petit' (this quote - possibly also others - have been copied onto the pastedown at the front of the MS) f. 130v: 'decima' f. 143v: (15th c.) undecimum bellum f. 146r: 'mors palam(e)d(es)' f. 150r: tertiadecima f. 156: nota (speech by Diomedes 'E n tot le mond tant cum est granz / N a ch(eua)l(ie)r de nul scemblanz / Q e plus de cors troilus uaile / f. 157: note on the 15th battle f. 168: lo mors troylus en la xviiij bataylle f. 177: 'mors achiles' f. 163: 'In faciendo bonum t(er)minus no(n) est p(ro)rogandus / ubi de flyleaf recto: Latin probatio pennae flyleaf verso: verse in Italian (6 lines)
Foliations description:Modern foliation in arabic numerals (black ink and red ink) in the upper right corner. The foliation in red ink is correct.

Mise en page

Description 1Not always consistent throughout the manuscript.
Page sampledf. 1r
Page dimensions334x120 (mm)
Justification280 x 77mm (mm)
namm between columns
Column ruling present in Colours object (8) (RulingMaterials object (7) )
Line ruling present in Colours object (8) (RulingMaterials object (7) )
Writing above top line?False
Sample page layout:


Level of Execution:Execution object (4)
ScriptScript object (1)
Folio rangeFrom 1r to 263v
Date?1300 to 1400
Scribe description:The writing has a praescissus aspect, the upper compartment of two-compartment 'a' is open, trailing 's' in final position, tironian 'et' is not crossed (or 'et' is written in full as 'e'), no spurs and little serifs, circular lobe for 'b', shaft of 'd' is almost horizontal, 'Rücken'-g with lower lobe extending deep below the baseline. Few abbreviations among which nasal mark and 'p' with crossed descender, apostrophe, superscript vowels and -us abbreviation.