Library: | Bibliothèque nationale de France |
Sheflmark: | fonds français 17177 |
Information source: |
Physical description: InformationSource object (1) Segmentation: InformationSource object (1) |
Described by: | dschoenaers |
Description: | Brown leather binding on wooden boards (16-17th c.). The front and rear have been blind-tooled with geometrical patterns (quadrangles) and handstamps. No title. |
Date : | ?1500 to 1600 |
Title on binding: | |
Cover material: | Material object (2) |
Board material: | Material object (9) |
Fastening: | |
Chaining: | |
Edges: | gilt |
Front end papers (None): | Three paper and one vellum flyleaves at the front. |
End papers (3): | Three vellum and three paper flyleaves at the back. On the recto of the first vellum flyleaf at the back is a 14th-c. table of contents for f. clxxxvi to clxxxxvij, identical to f. 11r. |
Link (subject to external change and may not function consistently.) | |
Colour? | Black and White |
Completeness | Full |
Notes |
Reference | Die Illustrationszyklen zur 'Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César' (1250-1400) (Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang, 1989) , |
Notes | |
Reference | '2015] : archives de littérature du moyen age', <> [accessed 14 February |
Notes |
MS Parts
Title | Date | Place | Dedicatee |
[Part 1] | ?1390 to 1400 | ||
[Part 2] | ?1275 to 1300 |
MS Part Library: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Shelfmark: | fonds français 17177 |
MS Part Title: | [Part 1] |
Ms Part Folios: | 13 folios |
Page layout: |
MS Part Material: | Material object (4) |
Watermark: | |
Condition: | Good quality vellum, in good condition. |
Date Information
Date(s): | ?1390 to 1400 |
Notes: | Oltrogge 1989, 299. A table has been added from the late 14th c. |
Level of Execution: | Execution object (4) |
Folio(s): | From 1r to 12v |
Date(s): | c. 1350 to 1400 |
Scribe description: | 14th-c. hand with box-‘a’ and round ‘s’ in final position. Diacritic on ‘i’ in all positions. |
MS Part Library: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Shelfmark: | fonds français 17177 |
MS Part Title: | [Part 2] |
Ms Part Folios: | 279 folios |
Page layout: |
MS Part Material: | Material object (4) |
Watermark: | |
Condition: | Good quality vellum. On f. 6 there is a stitch in written area. Folios 54v-55r have been damaged by damp. |
Date Information
Date(s): | ?1275 to 1300 |
Notes: | Oltrogge 1989, 298. |
Level of Execution: | Execution object (4) |
Folio(s): | From 1 to 287 |
Date(s): | ?1275 to 1300 |
Scribe description: | One hand or several very similar hands. 13th-c. littera textualis with double-bow, belly ‘a’, round ‘s’ in final position; trailing ‘s’ at the end of the line, uncial and looped ‘d’, tongued ‘e’ in final position, same forms of 'g'. |
Folios: 1 - 12r
1r - 12r
(§00-00) Table of Contents (N/A)
Folios: 13r - 81r
13r - 51r
(§1-513) Genesis (Common redaction)
51r - 53v
(§1-22) Orient I (Common redaction)
53v - 65r
(§23-125) Thebes (Common redaction)
65r - 66r
(§126-147) Greeks and Amazons (Common redaction)
Paratextual features:
- ParatextualType object (17)
66r - 74r
(§1-71) Troy (Common redaction)
66r - 74r
(§1-00) Eneas (Common redaction)
Folios: 82r - 108v
82r - 82r
(§00-57) Eneas (Common redaction)
83r - 108r
(§00-00) Roman de Brut (Geoffrey of Monmouth) (N/A)
Folios: 109r - 287v
109r - 110r
(§00-57) Eneas (Common redaction)
Paratextual features:
- ParatextualType object (17)
110r - 120v
(§00-00) Rome I (Common redaction)
120v - 132v
(§00-00) Orient II (Common redaction)
132v - 154v
(§00-00) Alexander (Common redaction)
155r - 187r
(§00-00) Rome II (Common redaction)
Paratextual features:
- ParatextualType object (12)
- ParatextualType object (17)
187r - 189v
(§00-00) Conquest of France by Caesar (Common redaction)
Paratextual features:
- ParatextualType object (12)
- Termination object (5): text omitted after this segment
190r - 227v
(§00-00) Alart de Cambrai, Le livres estrais de philosophie et de moralité (N/A)
228r - 229r
(§00-00) Pierre de Maubeuge (?), Dit des quatre vices (N/A)
229r - 230v
(§00-00) Pierre de Maubeuge (?), Dit des quatre vices (N/A)
230v - 231r
(§00-00) Pierre de Maubeuge, Les IIII complections de l'oume (N/A)
231r - 250r
(§00-00) Ellebaut, Anticlaudiens qui parole des vices et des vertus (N/A)
251r - 251v
(§00-00) Annals (French, 1162 to 1254) (N/A)
251v - 252v
(§00-00) Annals (Latin, 1249 to 1270) (N/A)
253r - 261r
(§00-00) Genealogy and chronicle of the kings of France (N/A)
262r - 262v
(§00-00) French translation of Theodorici libellus de locis sanctis (N/A)
262v - 274r
(§00-00) Pseudo-Turpin chronicle (French) (N/A)
274v - 274v
(§00-00) History of Tancrède de Hauteville (French) (N/A)
- Termination object (5): text omitted after this segment
275r - 281v
(§00-00) Philippe de Novare, Les quatre temps d'age d'homme (N/A)
282r - 287r
(§00-00) Les proverbes au vilain (N/A)
287r - 287v
(§00-00) Les XV signes du Jugement dernier (N/A)
287v - 287v
(§00-00) Poem on the virtues of women (fragment) (N/A)