
London, British Library, Egerton 2515

[Part 1]

General information

Folio notes:f. 195v left blank (Micha 1963, 49). The 'Agravain' ends incomplete.
LanguageLanguage object (47)
Approx. date?1300 to 1350
Date notesDate suggested by the British Catalogue of Illuminated MSS. Jonas gives beginning of the 14th c. The Lancelot-Graal project has c. 1300. Arthurian Fiction dates the MS to 1300-1325.
Place(s) of productionEngland
Based on the script (Middleton 2003, 223) and linguistic features. Cursiva antiquior with long-stemmed 'r'. The scribe names himself John de Dorkingge, possibly pointing towards Southern England, the London area or Surrey.
First words of second recto folio
First words of last recto folio
Explicit[f. 195r] Ha sire fait la dame vos en poise il donques? Certes, dame, oil. Donques n'en sera il ja plus puis qu'il vos en poise Et sachiez que jeu le fesoie par amors et vos quidoie faire grant honor. Lors s'en vet li sires en une chambre ou li escuz estoit, si tost com il l'a veu il le conoist bien et en a trop grant joie. Lors revient arreres et fait a Lancelot trop grant feste et dit qu'il est toz soens a faire touz ses comandemenz et il l'en mercie molt. Cele nuyt fut Lanc. couchez a aise, si se reposa, car assez est // (Micha 1963, 49)


Material:Material object (4)
Condition:ff. lost at the beginning of the MS.


Quire structure:
Quire marks:
Catchword disposition:

Physical description

No. of illustrations:1
General illustration:A single historiated initial (height: 4 lines) at the beginning of Prothesilaus (f. 70v). The letter is pink, painted against a blue background, decorated with goldleaf. Partial border of blue and pink bars, decorated with white flourishings, goldleaf, ivy and gold balls. Vertical line of red ink through the majuscule column in the verse texts. The 'Agravain' (f. 142r) opens with a large puzzle-initial. (BL Catalogue of Illuminated MSS)
General decoration:Pen-decorated initials (height: 2 lines), blue with red flourishings.Similar initials (height: 5-7 lines) at the beginning of chapters.
Evidence of readership:On f. 1r is the name of one of the MS's owners, Philippa Leman. On f. 195rb, charm for the 'dolor oeulorum'.
Foliations description:

Mise en page

Description 1
Page sampledf. 70v
LayoutMSLayout object (7)
Page dimensions265x175 (mm)
Justification235x150 (mm)
11mm between columns
Column ruling present
Line ruling present
Writing above top line?False
Sample page layout:


Level of Execution:Execution object (5)
ScriptScript object (15)
Folio rangeFrom f. 1r to f. 195r
Date?1300 to 1350
Scribe description:Cursiva antiquior, double-lobe 'a', looped 'b','d','h','l','k', long 's' and 'f' descend below the baseline, 6-like round 's', long-stemmed 'r', 3-like 'z'.
NotesThe scribe names himself in the colophon of the 'Ipomedon' (f. 70va). 'Ceste romaunce ay esc(ri)pt / De la bouche dieux soit beneit / Ke p(ur) John de Dorkingge p(ri)e / Qe ceste romaunce ad compl[ie] / AMEN / Explicit hic totum pro / (christo) da michi potum //