Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds français 25520

[Part 1]

» Full parent manuscript detail

General information

Folio notes:One and a half folio supplied at the beginning of an early 13th-c. copy of the 'Queste' and 'Mort' to replace the lost 1st folio, which was potentially cut for its frontispiece. The recto side of the first folio has been left blank. A title is provided on the verso.
LanguageLanguage object (3)
Approx. datec. 1400
Date notesThe fractured writing (textualis with two-compartment 'a' with closed upper compartment, type: box 'a', round 's' in final position, many hairlines), together with the decor suggests a date in the 15th c.
Place(s) of production
First words of second recto folio[f. 3ra] Cy commence la queste du saint / graal .
First words of last recto folio[f. 3ra] Cy commence la queste du saint / graal .
Incipit[f. 2v] Cy co(m)mence laqueste du saint greal . Et co(m)ment les / cheuailliers de la table ronde lont entrepris [...] / lan . iiij .C. et quatre . Et si deuise co(m)ment  [le Roy] / artus <-mourut en contre> se combati en contre / mordret de la bataille dont ilz estoient . C . mille / et nene demoura oncques que . iij . dont le Roy en / estoit . i . et lucans le bouteillier . et girfles . / Cy deuise co(m)ment lancelot du lac se rendit de / puis ses choses la en . j . hermitaige (et) de vint p(re)stre // [f. 3ra] Cy commence la queste du saint / graal / La ueille de la pentecoste / qua(n)t les compaignons / de la table ronde furent / ue / nus a kamaalot (et) il orent oy le / seruice et len uoloit metre les ta /
Explicit[f. 3vb] ore mais <+si> tost q(ui)l soit ??.??iex (et) mestier (et) / lors sep(ar)t la(n)c(elot) ses (com)paigno(n)z (et) cheua / chere(n)t enseble ta(n)t q(ui)lz so(n)t ue[...] a kamaalot / a he(ur) de tierce (et) le roy est ale au mo(n)stier /


Material:Material object (4)
Condition:Good quality. Burn (?) holes in the outer margin.


Quire structure:
Quire marks:
Catchword disposition:

Physical description

General illustration:Not illustrated.
General decoration:Champ initial (height: 3 lines) at the beginning of the text. Plain initials (height: 2 lines) at the beginning of paragraphs.
Evidence of readership:The number '159' (an old shelfmark?) has been added under the text on f. 2v.
Foliations description:Modern foliation in arabic numerals in the upper right corner of the recto.

Mise en page

Description 1
Page sampled3rf.
LayoutMSLayout object (3)
Page dimensions211x144 (mm)
Justification194x125 (mm)
8mm between columns
Column ruling present
Line ruling present
RubricationNo tituli in red ink.
Writing above top line?False
Sample page layout:


Level of Execution:Execution object (4)
ScriptScript object (4)
Folio rangeFrom f. 2v to f. 3vb
Datec. 1400
Scribe description:15th c. fractured textualis, box 'a', round 's' in final position, many hairlines.