Folios | 23810 frontend papers8 backend papers |
Folio notes: | The numbering indicates only 237 ff., but: 1) there is a f. 97bis f. between ff. 97 and 98; 2) f. 61 is misplaced, it should be read after f. 8 (a later hand added on the top margin "6c lxx b").
Front endpapers are five in paper and five in vellum.
Folio v is a palimpsest, the scriptio inferior is no longer legible. At f. v r, near the right margin, a XVIII century hand wrote: "237 feuillets plus ff. 97 bis / 21 miniatures / mai 1884." In the v. of the same folio, the same hand and two other hands added some comments on the contents of the MS and its history. The third hand seems to be older, and wrote: "Le duc de Nemours, est Jacques d' Armagnac, que doucs XI fut decapite à Paris le 4 aout 1477".
At f. ix r, a later end wrote: "Giron le Vieux / Chevalier de la Table Ronde / Tom. I. / et/ Tom. II." The same hand wrote at the recto of f. 97bis "Giron le Vieux / Chevalier de la Table Ronde / Tom. IIe".
The recto of f. x has been decorated with a coloured frame that runs parallel to the borders (XV century, see below, Decoration), probably added when the MS entered in the collection of Jacques d'Armagnac (see below, History).
All other front endpapers as well as back endpapers (three in vellum and five in paper) are left blank. A sticker on one of the endpapers records the date of a restauration, 16 May 1950. |
Language | Language object (48) |
Approx. date | ?1270 to 1290 |
Date notes | Third quarter of the 13th c. [Robert Marichal, cf. Lathuillère 1966: 36], Lagomarsini 2014, 73-75 and 174-175. Maybe slightly later, Cigni 2009. |
Place(s) of production | Northern ItalyAttributed to Northern Italy on the basis of the language (Lagomarsini 2012: 290-6 and 2014, 174-175; Bubenicek 1985: t. V, 22-64), to Bologna on the basis of the hand (Brunetti 2003: 141), and to Genoa on the basis of the decorated initials (Cigni 2009, who found similar initials in MS Paris, BnF, lat. 10136, a witness of Caffaro's Annales Januenses).
First words of second recto folio | Qvant il ot les nouueles |
First words of last recto folio | elz uelt acelui |
Incipit | [f.1ra] DE grant ualor d(e) gr ant puis sance de gr ant enu oise ure plai(n)s de grant deduit.degrant soulaz. fu li rois. artus sainz doutance sor touz les rois. sor touz les princes qiasontens reignierent elmo(n) de. Mout sout. Mout pout. e molt |
Explicit | [f. 237v the ink is faded, it is almost impossible to read it. The last lisible part is at f. 236rb]: aste il decheuauchier. E tant se haste en tel maniere queil lataint. Quant baude magus degorre. ot apres lui ve[...] then only a few words are lisible. |