Saint Petersburg, National Library of Russia, fr. F v XIV 3
L'estoire anciene [...] come Griu an tres grant paines et a dolors par trahison exilla tote Troie por Helaine (rubric)
General information
Folios | 168 |
Folio notes: | Contains only the 'Troie'. |
Language | Language object (48) |
Approx. date | ?1325 to 1375 |
Date notes | 'milieu du XIVe siècle' (Jung 1996, 254) |
Place(s) of production | Central Italy'Italie centrale' (Jung 1996, 254). |
First words of second recto folio | [f. 2ra] La nos comence et fait et dist (Jung 1996, 254) |
First words of last recto folio | |
Incipit | [f. 1ra] Ici com(en)ce lestoire anciene qui ert tot / iors mes apparissant come griu an / tres grant paines et a dolors par tra / hison exilla tote troie por helaine selo(n)c lauctor de celui quil uit et qui le / scrit toz ensint com uos ici orrez par / ordre, rubrica. Salamons / nos ensei / gne et dit / Et si lisons en son escrit / Que nus i / ne doit son / sens celer / Einz le doit / issi demostrer / Que len ait preu et honor (Constans 1912, VI:52) |
Explicit | [f. 167va] Et molt essauca e m(o)lt crut / [f. 167vb] Ci ferons fins bien est messure. / Mes encore tient li liure et dure. / Si com dist daire e ditis. / Lauons escrit et plus no(n) mis. / Et sil pleust as iugleors. / Je les prioroie por honors. / Qil ne se meissent en tant / Qe cist liure nalast chanta(n)t. / Ore moi dont dex a ioie uiure. / Qe plus ne uoil de troie escrire. (Constans 1912, VI:52) |
Related MS
RelationshipType object (14) | Manuscript object (417)Manuscript object (495) |
Material: | Material object (4) |
Watermark: | |
Condition: | |
Collation: | 1-28 32 4-218 226 |
Quire structure: | Originally 21 quaternions, with 6 folios at the end. Quire 3, however, is missing 6 folios, between ff. 17 and 18. |
Quire marks: | |
Catchwords: | |
Catchword disposition: | |
Physical description
No. of illustrations: | 347 |
General illustration: | The most sumptuously decorated of the extant manuscripts of the 'Troie'. It constitutes, for Jung, 'un véritable livre illustré' (1996, 255). Most pages are illustrated with framed bas-de-page scenes, often featuring buildings that extend upwards into the side margins. On f. 1r, the miniature precedes the text, and on f. 86v both the upper and lower margins are illustrated. There are also column-width miniatures preceding the large initials on ff. 2ra, 5rb, 6va, 12rb, 13va, 14vb, 17vb, 95ra, and 100ra, and following the explicit on f. 167vb. The characters portrayed are often named in a cursive script beneath the miniatures. For further details, see Jung 1996, 259-63. |
General decoration: | Major textual divisions are marked by 60 large initials (height: 5-8 lines, usually 6). Smaller divisions are marked by pen-flourished initials (height: 2 lines), alternating red and blue, with decoration in the contrasting colour. There are rich decorative borders, using colour and gold, on every page. |
Evidence of readership: | |
Foliations description: | Modern numbering, running from 1 to 167, with 41 duplicated. |
Mise en page
Description 1 | |
Page sampled | |
Layout | MSLayout object (4) |
Page dimensions | 420x280 (mm) |
Justification | 248x170 (mm) |
Columns | 2mm between columns |
Lines | 42 |
Rubrication | Rubric precedes almost all of the large initials, introducing the text that follows. The exception is the rubric on f. 12rb, which concerns the miniaturist: 'Ici doit estre la tuison en une ysel qui ot d'or le veillet un hom la tuison rampant. rubrica' (Jung 1996, 255). |
Writing above top line? | False |
Sample page layout: | |
Level of Execution: | Execution object (3) |
Script | Script object (1) |
Folio range | From 1ra to 167vb |
Date | ?1325 to 1375 |
Scribe description: | Meticulously copied Italian book hand of the 14th c., with the following traits: two-compartment 'a' (upper bow open or closed with hairline); rücken 'g'; limb of 'h' rests of the baseline; round 's' in final position; 'u' in initial position; uncrossed tironian 'et'. |
Notes | |