
Rostock, Universitätsbibliothek, Fragm. philol. 2

[Tristan fragments]

General information

Folio notes:Two leaves used to bind a book printed in Cologne in 1529 (Ff-76).
LanguageLanguage object (44)
Approx. date?1275 to 1325
Date notes'aus dem 14. Jahrhundert' (Golther 1927, 407); 'um 1300' (Heydeck 2001, 314).
Place(s) of production
'Süd(?)-Frankreich' (Heydeck 2001, 314).
First words of second recto folio
First words of last recto folio
Incipit[f. 1ra] issir de le forest .i. ch(eualie)r arme de toutes ??ar?? / mes
Explicit[f. 2vb] ??A??donkes li respondi li p(rou)do(m) sire il la ??nest??


Material:Material object (4)
Condition:Much of f. 1r is illegible on account of the holes and wear from use in binding.


Quire structure:Perhaps belonged to the same bifolium.
Quire marks:MSQuiremarkDisposition object (21)
Catchword disposition:MSCatchwordDisposition object (12)

Physical description

General illustration:
General decoration:Paragraphs are marked by flourished initials (height: 2 lines), alternating red and blue, with decoration in the opposing colour.
Evidence of readership:
Foliations description:Numbered 1 and 2 by a modern hand in the upper right corner of the recto sides.

Mise en page

Description 1Dimensions from Heydeck 2001, 314.
Page sampled
LayoutMSLayout object (3)
Page dimensions305x195 (mm)
Justification245x170 (mm)
mm between columns
Writing above top line?False
Sample page layout:


Level of Execution:Execution object (4)
ScriptScript object (4)
Folio rangeFrom 1ra to 2vb
Date?1275 to 1325
Scribe description:A fairly rounded book hand, with the following traits: two-compartment 'a' (open upper bow); tall 's' in final position; some 'v' in initial position; occasional use of 'y'; tironian 'et' is crossed. A date c. 1300 seems probable.