Carpentras, Bibliothèque Inguimbertine, 404

[Part 1]

» Full parent manuscript detail

General information

3 frontend papers
Folio notes:There is a f. 58 bis; also some folios missing, but no gaps in the text. Although Curtis says there is a folio missing after f.8, this must have been missing from the source since there is no material evidence of a missing folio.
LanguageLanguage object (43)
Approx. date?1250 to 1300
Date notesCurtis 1963, 23.
Place(s) of productionCentral France
See Curtis' linguistic analysis (1963, 23-8).
First words of second recto folio[f. 2r]  quil lor plesoit bie(n)
First words of last recto folio
Incipit[f. 1r]  Apres ce q(ue) ie ai leu & releu par maintes fois le gr(an)t liure del latin
Explicit[f. 203v] (et) por deuisier com(en)t il uint en so(n) pais. (et) coment il morut por les amors ma dame ysolt la roine de cornoaille


Material:Material object (4)
Condition:The parchment has quite a lot of natural flaws, particularly at the edges. The MS is not always in good condition; a number of tears have been stitched.



1-111210 1314-171819-26274

Quire structure:The quires are predominantly quarternions, but the twelfth quire is a quinion, which is followed by a ternion; the eighteenth quire is again a ternion and the MS concludes with a binion. Some of the collation is irregular, though clearly original. Thus the nineteenth quire is bound between the penultimate and last folios of the preceding quire (but the text and foliation indicates this is part of the original design of the MS). There is apparently a folio missing after f. 138, but again this seems original, and two folios missing after f. 163, but again the text is complete.
Quire marks:MSQuiremarkDisposition object (21)
Catchword disposition:MSCatchwordDisposition object (14)

Physical description

General description:The scribe often corrects himself for the odd word. On f. 96v, he has inserted a missing sentence.
General illustration:
General decoration:Large decorated initials divide the text, and each chapter begins with an initial (height: 2 lines) in red or blue; some more ornate than others with extended flourishes in borders. There is one face in a ‘Q’ (f. 91v); often the letter to be filled in is marked in the margin.
Evidence of readership:
Foliations description:

Mise en page

Description 1The ruling is only visible on some pages, e.g. f. 47r.
Page sampledf. 18r
LayoutMSLayout object (3)
Page dimensions350x245 (mm)
Justification265x170 (mm)
15mm between columns
Line ruling present in Colours object (4)
Writing above top line?False
Sample page layout:


Level of Execution:Execution object (3)
ScriptScript object (6)
Folio rangeFrom 1r, 24ra to 18r, 233
Date?1250 to 1300
Scribe description:A neat and regular hand, with relatively few abbreviations. 'S' is always long. 'S' and 'f', 'n' and 'u', 'c' and 't' are distinguished particularly clearly. The 'd' has a particularly marked backwards curve on the ascender.

Level of Execution:Execution object (3)
ScriptScript object (6)
Folio rangeFrom 18ra to 23vb
Date?1250 to 1300
Scribe description:The second scribe's hand is very similar to that of the first, but his script is slightly smaller and tighter.