
Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Barberiniano Latino 3536

[Part 3]

General information

LanguageLanguage object (48)
Approx. datec. 1300
Date notes'a cavallo di XIII e XIV secolo' (Zanni 2008, 40).
Place(s) of productionItaly
'Copiato in Italia' (Zanni 2008, 40).
First words of second recto folio[f. 57ra] Li rois a(r)tu
First words of last recto folio[f. 158ra] sser (et) seretorne a la fontaine
Incipit[f. 56ra] EN cest pa(r)tie dit li(con)tes q(ue) / q(ua)nt M(essire) T(ristan) fu reuenuz el / roiaume d(e) log(res) il ot amene / auec luí madame .yselt.
Explicit[f. 158vb] (et) sachiez / deuoir q(ue) ge u(us) iferaí seruir (et) honorer de tre / stout mon pooir :


Material:Material object (4)
Condition:Average or low-grade parchment, sometimes very thick (e.g. ff. 76-77) or very dark (e.g. 95v-96r), with prominent sewn tears (e.g. f. 152), and holes (e.g. f. 90). Several repairs were made to the parchment before the text was copied (e.g. f. 73). The final quire is short by c. 10mm at the base.



114 234-67810-13145

Quire structure:The first quire is made up of a quaternion with a ternion (ff. 62-67) inserted between the 6th and 7th leaves. A ternion and bifolium are followed by three regular quaternions. Quire 7 is a quinion wanting its first leaf. A binion is then followed by five regular quaternions. The final quire is a ternion whose final leaf is wanting.
Quire marks:MSQuiremarkDisposition object (78)
Catchword disposition:MSCatchwordDisposition object (4)

Physical description

General illustration:
General decoration:Paragraphs are marked by pen-flourished initials (height: mostly 2 lines). For the first quire (excluding the inserted ternion), initials are in red with decoration in blue, and no doubt the work of the artist of Part 1 (the grotesque at the base of f. 56r corroborates this). Thereafter the initials often incorporate faces. Black is used as the opposing colour between ff. 78r and 97r. Initials are not generally executed after f. 130r.
Evidence of readership:Rapid sketches accompany mention of shields, e.g. f. 61rb. Some words are underlined, as per Part 1.
Foliations description:As for Parts 1 and 2, from lvj to clviij. Folio 89 bis has been supplied by a later hand.

Mise en page

Description 1The justification varies considerably, and there are between 30 and 36 lines per column (Zanni 2008, 41).
Page sampledf. 93r
LayoutMSLayout object (3)
Page dimensions244x167 (mm)
Justification193x143 (mm)
9mm between columns
Column ruling present in Colours object (9) (RulingMaterials object (7) )
Line ruling present in Colours object (9) (RulingMaterials object (7) )
Writing above top line?True
Sample page layout:


Level of Execution:Execution object (4)
ScriptScript object (10)
Folio rangeFrom 56ra to 77vb
Datec. 1300
Scribe description:Features include: single-compartment 'a', ascenders with occasional serifs, use of both 'ç' and 'z', 8-shaped 'g', tall 's' in all positions (often descending slightly below baseline), 'u' in initial position, uncrossed tironian 'et'.

Level of Execution:Execution object (4)
ScriptScript object (10)
Folio rangeFrom 78ra to 109vb
Datec. 1300
Scribe description:Features include: single-compartment 'a', rücken 'g', tall 's' in all positions, 'u' in initial position. Heavily abbreviated.
NotesThis hand also responsible for inserted ternion (ff. 62ra-68ra).

Level of Execution:Execution object (4)
ScriptScript object (10)
Folio rangeFrom 110ra to 122vb
Datec. 1300
Scribe description:Features include: single-compartment 'a' (although barely developed upper bow sometimes visible), 'f' and tall 's' descending slightly below baseline, both tall and round 's' in final position, 'u' in initial position.

Level of Execution:Execution object (4)
ScriptScript object (10)
Folio rangeFrom 122va to 129vb
Datec. 1300
Scribe description:Neater than other hands in this part. Features include: single-compartment 'a', figure-8 'g', tall 's' and trailing 's' in final position, 'u' in initial position.

Level of Execution:Execution object (4)
ScriptScript object (1)
Folio rangeFrom 130ra to 158vb
Datec. 1300
Scribe description:Features include: two-compartment 'a' (though upper bow often barely developed), 'f' and tall 's' descending below baseline, figure-8 'g', tall 's' in final position, 'u' in initial position.