Library: | Bibliothèque nationale de France |
Sheflmark: | fonds français 1553 |
Information source: |
Physical description: InformationSource object (2) Segmentation: InformationSource object (2) |
Described by: | hgrange |
Description: | Brown leather over pasteboards; red morocco for the spine, with the arms of Louis-Philippe. |
Date : | ?1830 to 1848 |
Title on binding: | |
Cover material: | None |
Board material: | None |
Fastening: | |
Chaining: | |
Edges: | |
Front end papers : | |
End papers : |
Link (subject to external change and may not function consistently.) | |
Colour? | Colour |
Completeness | Full |
Notes |
Reference | La Légende de Troie en France au moyen âge (Basel; Tubingen: Francke Verlag, 1996) |
Notes | pp. 212-4 |
Reference | 'Du "manuscrit de jongleur" au "recueil aristocratique": réflexions sur les premières anthologies françaises', Moyen Age, 113 (2007) 481-97 |
Notes | Considers target audience of an anthology like BnF, fr. 1553. |
Reference | 'Un recueil français de la fin du XIIIe siècle (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 1553)', Scriptorium, 29 (1975), 23-46 |
Notes | |
Reference | 'Mise en recueil et fonctionnalités de l'écrit', in Yasmina Foehr-Janssens and Olivier Collet (eds), Le Recueil au Moyen Âge: le Moyen Âge central, Texte, Codex & Contexte 8 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2010), pp. 11-34 , |
Notes |
MS Parts
Title | Date | Place | Dedicatee |
[Part 1] | ?1285 to 1290 | Picardy |
MS Part Library: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Shelfmark: | fonds français 1553 |
MS Part Title: | [Part 1] |
Ms Part Folios: | 524 folios |
Page layout: |
MS Part Material: | Material object (4) |
Watermark: | |
Condition: |
Date Information
Date(s): | ?1285 to 1290 |
Notes: | The colophon for the 'Roman de la Violette' on f. 325va suggests this work was completed in February 1285: 'C hi define li Roumans de Gerart / D e neuers : et de la uíolete . / Q uí fu escrís lan del íncarna / T ion nostre signour ih(es)ucrist . / M il .CC. et iiij.XX. et Quatre . El / M oys de feuríer .' Lepage deems it likely that material continued to be added to the volume until about 1290 (1975, 25). |
Level of Execution: | Execution object (4) |
Folio(s): | From 2ra to 162vb |
Date(s): | c. 1285 |
Scribe description: | A small textualis in black ink of the late 13th c., with a cursive influence. Traits include a two-compartment 'a' (upper bow generally open) that is often slightly taller than other short letters, ascenders with the occasional loop, some 'i'-ticks, round 's' privileged over straight 's' in final position, 'v' in initial position, dotted 'y'. Tironian 'et' has a relatively long cross-bar. |
Level of Execution: | None |
Folio(s): | From 163ra to 287vb |
Date(s): | c. 1285 |
Scribe description: | |
Level of Execution: | None |
Folio(s): | From 288ra to 383vb |
Date(s): | c. 1285 |
Scribe description: | |
Level of Execution: | None |
Folio(s): | From 384ra to 524vb |
Date(s): | ?1275 to 1290 |
Scribe description: | Several different hands responsible for this section. |
Folios: 2ra - 436vb
2ra - 161vb
(§v. 1-v. 30316x) Benoît de Sainte-Maure, Roman de Troie (N/A)
- Nestor's army (Verse) from folio 53vb to 58vb,
- Death of Boetes and Archilogus (Verse) from folio 63rb to 63va,
- Riche dame de riche rei (Verse) from folio 78ra to 78ra,
- Alabaster Chamber (Verse) from folio 86ra to 86rb
Paratextual features:
- ParatextualType object (10) 161vb
161vb - 162va
(§na-na) De Engerran, vesque de Cambrai ki fu (N/A)
162va - 162vb
(§na-na) Complainte des Jacobins et des Cordeliers (N/A)
163ra - 197v
(§na-na) Gossuin de Metz, Image du monde (N/A)
198ra - 254va
(§na-na) De Baleham et de Josaphas (N/A)
254va - 254vb
(§na-na) Chronique dite de Baudouin d'Avesnes (N/A)
255ra - 287vb
(§na-na) Miscellaneous hagiographical texts in prose (N/A)
288ra - 325va
(§na-na) Gerbert de Montreuil, Roman de la violette (N/A)
325vb - 338vb
(§na-na) Wistasse le Moine (N/A)
338vb - 367va
(§na-na) Roman des sept sages de Rome (N/A)
367va - 379ra
(§na-na) Alexandre du Pont, Roman de Mahomet (N/A)
379ra - 393va
(§na-na) Vengeance Nostre Seigneur (N/A)
393va - 434vb
(§na-na) Miscellaneous texts, including saints' lives and dits (N/A)
435ra - 436vb
(§na-na) Letter of Prester John (N/A)
- Termination object (1): folios missing after this segment
Folios: 437ra - 524vb
437ra - 480va
(§na-na) Guillaume le Clerc, Fergus (N/A)
480va - 524vb
(§na-na) Miscellaneous texts, including lais and fabliaux (N/A)