Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Ashburnham 123

[Part 1]

» Full parent manuscript detail

General information

3 frontend papers
3 backend papers
Folio notes:Four numberings, an ancient one in Latin numerals and three modern ones in Arab numerals.
LanguageLanguage object (48)
Approx. date?1275 to 1325
Date notesAvril-Gousset 1984, 25-27; Cigni 2003 and 2010, Lagomarsini 2014, 63-65. XIV sec., Lathuillère 1966, 42
Place(s) of productionNorthern Italy
Cigni 2003 and 2010 (Pisa-Genoa); Lagomarsini 2014, pp. 63-65 and 165-169 ("l'esame della lingua permette di escludere la Toscana – ma toscano può essere il modello", p. 169).
First words of second recto folio[f.2ra] deuos . Siuos t(r)ouai
First words of last recto folio[f. 132ra] li dragon aparut enmi leu delaplace
Incipit[f. 1ra] Manes iens desire(n)t / leuei [...] asaveir (et) p [...] /q(ue) nullui nepuet tout / [...] iaset ce q(ue)ias(con)ne chosse soit seue / si (con)uient q(ue) chascun sa /che la [...] chose par /
Explicit[f. 132vb] [m]essire Gauuain qui bien amoit Kez de g(ra)nt am / or q(ua)nt illeuoit geissir alat(er)re il na g(ra)nt ire (et) dit /  q(u)il ueinera sahonte asonpoír lors relace son hieu / me (et) monte sor soncheual (et) prant son escu (et) song / laíue (et) senuient auferír dez esp(er)onz v(er)s m(essire) Segura(n)s / qui nelle refusse pas ainz liuient ale [...] h / ardiem(en)t il auoit encor son glaiue entíer m(essire) Gauu / ain lefiert d(e)suz lescu (et) brisse [...] glaiue (et) m(essire) Segura(n)z / fiert [asprem(en)t q(u)'il le[...] tout envers [cathword] e passe houtre


Material:Material object (4)


Quire structure:Some folios are misplaced. It is necessary to read the texts in the following order: 1-7, 11-13, 8-10, 14-132 (cf. Lathuillère 1966, 43).
Quire marks:
Catchword disposition:

Physical description

No. of illustrations:39
General illustration:Listed in Lathuillère 1966, 43.
General decoration:
Evidence of readership:
Foliations description:

Mise en page

Description 1
Page sampled28r
LayoutMSLayout object (3)
Page dimensions330x227 (mm)
Justification280x193 (mm)
13mm between columns
Column ruling present
Line ruling present
Writing above top line?False
Sample page layout:

Description 2
Page sampled11r
Page dimensions320x227 (mm)
Justification276x193 (mm)
3mm between columns
Column ruling present
Line ruling present
Writing above top line?False
Sample page layout:


Level of Execution:Execution object (4)
ScriptScript object (10)
Folio rangeFrom 1ra to 132vb
Date1275 to 1300
Scribe description:Lagomarsini 2014, 63-65.