
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 383

Fragment of Gyron le courtois (title on the binding)

General information

Folio notes:Fragments numbered from A to Q.
LanguageLanguage object (3)
Approx. datec. 1490 to 1500
Date notesLoomis 1938, 129-30 and Lathuillère 1966, 56 (1480 to 1500); Verbeke 1987, 247 (1490-1500); Morato 2010, 20; Lagomarsini 2014, 71 (end of the 15th c.).
Place(s) of productionBruges, Flanders
Flanders (Loomis 1938, 129-30; Lathuillère 1966, 57; Morato 2010, 20). Bruges (Verbeke 1987, 246; Lagomarsini 2014, 71).
First words of second recto folio
First words of last recto folio

Related MS

RelationshipType object (11)Manuscript object (116)

RelationshipType object (11)Manuscript object (547)


Material:Material object (4)


Quire structure:17 single folios bound in a modern binding with other fragments of musical and Latin texts.
Quire marks:
Catchword disposition:

Physical description

No. of illustrations:17
General illustration:Listed in Lathuillère 1966, 56 and Verbeke 1987, 246-48. Pächt 1966, 28 assignes the illustration at f. A to the Master of the Roman de la Rose and the others to the Master of Edward IV. Verbeke 1987, 248-49 prefers to make reference only to the entourage of Edward IV.
General decoration:Cf. Verbeke 1987, 246 ("encadrement dans le style dit ganto-brugeois") and 248-49.
Evidence of readership:
Foliations description:Medieval foliation in roman numerals, referring to two distinct volumes. The modern foliation in arab numerals 1 to 17 does not correspond to the original order of the folios, re-established by Lathuillère 1966, 57 and marked by letters of the alphabet (A to Q) in Verbeke 1987, 246-247. For sake of clarity, we made reference to the latter foliation, which reflects the original order of the folios.

Mise en page


Level of Execution:Execution object (4)
ScriptScript object (7)
Folio rangeFrom to
Date1490 to 1500
Scribe description:


DescriptionAt ff. A and H, the decoration includes the arms of Engelbert II, count of Nassau and Vianden (1451-1504), and the symbols of the Toison d'Or.
Datec. 1490 to 1500
PlacePlace object (165)
OwnershipPerson object (59)