London, British Library, Additional 10293
[Part 1]
General information
Folios | 382 |
Folio notes: | For reasons of conservation, in 1860 the opening folio has been bound seperately with the opening folio of Additional 10294 in Additional 10293/4. |
Language | Language object (44) |
Approx. date | c. 1317 |
Date notes | On the basis of the date in February 1316 (Easter style) inscribed on the tomb depicted in the miniature on f. 55v in volume I of the manuscript. The hand (writing a Northern textualis with double-compartment 'a' the upper compartment of which is closed, type double bow 'a' and round 's' in final position) allows for a dating in the first quarter of the fourteenth century. |
Place(s) of production | Northern FranceBased on linguistic and art-historical evidence. Stones 2013, 65; 70 associates the artists involved in its production with Tournai, Liege or Luxembourg (Douce 5 artist) and Saint-Omer (Master of M. 754 / Add 36684). Meuwese 1999 adds to this that the location of the manuscripts produced by this atelier in Picardy is corroborated by a reference to Picardy in a rubric in Amsterdam; vol. 2, f. 89r. |
First words of second recto folio | The first folio has been bound separately.[f. 2ra] apparissans . Ore v(ous) aparellies car v(ous) /[f. 3ra] (et) dist q(ue) sil auoit .j. si preudo(m)me ch(eualie)r / |
First words of last recto folio | [f. 383ra] vous mande . si (com)ment que v(ous) / |
Incipit | [f. 2ra] apparissans . Ore v(ous) aparellies car v(ous) / uienres auoekes moi . (et) ne uien / rons de nules gens q(ue) mo(n) fil (et) vn / seul escuier q(ui) nous fera che q(ui)l no(us) / ert mestier . Car ie veul q(ue) g(ra)ns pi / ties prenge mo(n) sign(our) le roi de ma / g(ra)nt dolor q(ua)nt il le v(er)ra . (et) sachies / q(ue) nous mouuerons encore anuit . / |
Explicit | [f. 383ra] Sire tant dont li roys artus / dites vous voir . oil sire / fait il iou le vo(us) di (com)me p(re)stres / Li roys qui de ce ceste nouele fu / moult lies sen vait mainte / nant et demeure au bois ius / ques au soir . Et q(ua)nt il fu ue / nus a camaaloth si enuoia / p(ar)tout le royaume de logres / Et manda atous les barons / qui de lui tenoient t(er)re quil / fuissent le iour de pentecou / ste a cort . q(ua)r il la tendra la pl(us) g(ra)nt et la plus enuoisie quil / onques tenist . Si y enint ta(n)t / et tant em y ot asamble la uel / le de la pentecouste quil nest / nuls qui le ueist qui a m(er)uel / les ne le tenist // [followed by an erasure of 3 or 4 lines, cf. Stones 2010). |
Material: | Material object (4) |
Watermark: | na |
Condition: | Good quality vellum. Some stitches (f. 18, f. 22, f. 3653) Generally in good condition. Lower margins of ff. 125 to 136 repaired, requiring some restitution of the text; the entire lower corner of f. 136 was damaged at some point. Outer corners of f. 222-223 repaired. Hole in writings space f. 265ra/vc. |
Collation: | 18 (ff. 2-8, first or second folio of the quire bound seperately; probably one more folio/guardleaf lost at the front of a regular quinion) 28 (ff. 9-16), 38 (ff. 17-24), 48 (ff. 25-32), 58 (ff. 33-40), 68 (ff. 41-48), 78 (ff. 49-56), 88 (ff. 57-64), 97 (ff. 65-71, stub after f. 68), 108 (ff. 72-79), 118 (ff. 80-87), 128 (ff. 88-95), 138 (ff. 96-103), 148 (ff. 104-111), 158 (ff. 112-119), 168 (ff. 120-127) 178 (ff. 128 to 136) 187 (ff. 137 - 143, one folio removed at the front of the quire, no text-loss), 198 (ff.144-151), 208 (ff. 152-159), 218 (ff. 160-167), 228 (ff. 168-175), 238 (ff. 176-183), 248 (ff. 184-191); 258 (ff. 192-199), 268 (ff. 200-207), 278 (ff. 208-215), 288 (ff. 216-223), 298 (ff. 224-231), 308 (ff. 232-239), 308 (ff. 240-247), 318 (ff. 248-255), 328 (ff. 256-263), 338 (ff. 264-271), 348 (ff. 272-279), 358 (ff. 280-287), 368 (ff. 288-295), 378 (ff. 296-303), 388 (ff. 304-311), 398 (ff. 312-319), 408 (ff. 320-327), 418 (ff. 328-335), 428 (ff. 336-343), 438 (ff. 344-351), 448 (ff. 352-359), 458 (ff. 360-367), 468 (ff. 368-375), 478 (ff. 376-383). |
Quire structure: | The manuscript generally consists of quaternions, but also has some irregular quires of seven folios (quires 9 and 18). From each of these quires one folio has been removed, without, however, resulting in text-loss. The first quire was probably a quinion. One folio (the frontispiece of the 'Lancelot propre') is bound seperately together with the opening folio of the 'Queste'. An additional lost folio may have been a guardleaf. |
Quire marks: | |
Catchwords: | |
Catchword disposition: | MSCatchwordDisposition object (20) |
Physical description
General description: | Lancelot 1. From Lancelot's loss of father and land to his installation at the Round Table: ff. 1-129 col. a, line 37 (S III [LK] LM VII-VIII]). No opening rubric. Text inc. En la marche de Gaule et de la Petite Bertaigne... (S III 3.1; [LK 1.1]; LM VII 1). Expl. ...Ensi sen partent atant entre Galehot et Lancelot et sen vont en lor pais. et li roys et sa compaignie sen sont ale par petites iornees en Bretaigne. (S III 430.6; [LK 572.4]; LM VIII 490). 90 miniatures preceded by rubrics (except on f. 1), 2. From the Journey to Sorelois to the Death of Galehot: ff. 129 col. a, line 38-180v col. a, line 19 (S IV, 3-155 [LM III, 1-252]). Rubric inc. Ensi que Lancelot releve le roy Galehot qui est cheus de son cheval. Et pour le duel quil avoit. Text inc. En cheste partie si dist li contes. que Galehot se parti de la cort le roy Artu et enmaine vers son pais Lancelot son compaignon... (S IV 3.1; [LK 572.5; LM III 1]). Expl. ... Et lors trespassa [Galehot] de cest siecle comme li plus preudoms au dit du cont qui onques fust au tamps de son eage. Car lez grans aumosnes que il fist ne seroient mie legierement acontees. Et ses nies Galehaudins fu reuestus de tout sa terre et rechut les hommages des barons. (S IV 155.18; [LM III 252. XXXV]). 3. Conte de la Charette: ff. 180v col. a, line 20--205, col. c (S IV 155.18-226.11; LH; LM II 1-108). Rubric inc: Ensi que la Dame du Lac et son escuer cheuauchent tant quil ont trouue Lancelot en .i. bois gisant tout forsenes. Text inc. Or dist li contes que quant Lancelot se fu partis de Sorelois et il fu hors de la terre si fist doel cascun ior... (S IV 155.18; [LH 1.1; LM II 1.1, section XXXVI.1]). Expl. ...por la volente la royne acomplir et le roy lor otroia il. (S IV 226.11; [LH 112; LM II, 108. XLII.12]). 4. Suites de la Charette: ff. 205, col. c. --251 col. c, line 21 (S IV 226-362; [LM II 108-419]). No opening rubric. Text inc. Grant fu la ioie et la feste... ( S IV 226.11; [LM II 108. XLII. 12]) Expl. ...Et quant Mordres fu montes sour son cheual si sen part du chevalier et de la damoisele. et se met en son chemin si com il estoit deuant. Si se taist orendroit li contes a parler de lui et retorne a parler de son frere Agrauain. (S IV 362. 31; [LM II 419. LXIX. 23]). 5. Agravain: ff. 251 col. c, line 22-383v col. d, line 37 (S V; [LM IV-VI]). Rubric inc. Ensi que .j. pauillon en le fons dune tertre ou il avoit .j. chevalier mort. Text inc. Chi endroit dist li contes ke quant Agravains se fu partis de sez compaignons si com vous auez oi quil erra .ii. iors sans auenture trover... (S V 3.1; [LM IV.1]). Expl. ...Si y euint [sic] tant et tant en y ot asamble la uelle de la Pentecouste quil nest nuls qui le veist qui a meruelles ne le tenist.,followed by an erasure of three or four lines (S V 409.16; [LM VI 244. CVIII.16]). |
No. of illustrations: | 436 |
General illustration: | The number of illustrations is quoted after Stones 2010. She distinguishes between two artists hand 1 (ff. 1-199v), identified by Stones 2013, 65 as the Douce 5 artist (also the main illustrator of the Olim Amsterdam-Douce-Rylands and Royal 14 E III manuscripts) and the artist of Additional 36684 (hand 2, ff. 200-383). Miniatures have the width of a single column and have an average height of eight to ten lines. The images have been framed in borders of pink/scarlet, and blue ink decorated with white flourishings (for artist 1 bars of the same colour have been positioned directly opposite of one another; for artist 2 bars of the same colour are in many cases adjoining). In the first four quires an additional border of silver ink frames the blue and scarlet bars. Both artists use gilt backgrounds. Miniatures are generally (but not always, e.g. f. 148va; 149rb; 150ra) preceded by rubricated captions (written by two hands) and followed by champ initials (height: 3-6 lines) on fields of blue and scarlet, decorated with white flourishings. In a number of isolated cases (e.g. f. 3v, a and c) these initials also occur without preceding miniatures. Not completed on f. 111va). Again, Stones 2010 distinguishes between two decorators, coinciding with the division between illustrators. Instructions for the artist in the margin. Erased; generally more elaborate than the rubricated captions (e.g. f. 11v.). |
General decoration: | The text is further structured by means of pen-decorated initials (height: 2 to 3 lines), alternating between red and blue, with flourishings in the contrasting colour. Additionally, each column is bordered to the left with j-borders in blue and red ink, emanating from the initials. The style of these borders and style of flourished initials indicates a change of decorator at f. 200r, coinciding with the change of artist and style of champie initials. |
Evidence of readership: | |
Foliations description: | Modern foliation in arabic numerals in the upper right corner of the recto. |
Mise en page
Description 1 | Double horizontal throughlines at the top, middle and bottom. Prickings visible in the inner margins. |
Page sampled | 10r |
Layout | None |
Page dimensions | 400x295 (mm) |
Justification | 297x220 (mm) |
Columns | 313mm between columns Column ruling present in Colours object (4) (RulingMaterials object (3) ) |
Lines | 50Line ruling present in Colours object (4) (RulingMaterials object (3) ) |
Rubrication | Red ink is used for decorated initials and rubricated captions. |
Writing above top line? | False |
Sample page layout: | |
Level of Execution: | Execution object (4) |
Script | Script object (4) |
Folio range | From f. 1ra to f. 71vc |
Date | c. 1317 |
Scribe description: | The division of scribes follows Stones and Gulick 2010. Northern textualis with double compartment 'a' the upper compartment of which is closed, type double bow 'a'. Ascenders clubbed or forked. Round 'd'. Tongued 'e' in final position. Lower lobe of 'g' closed, standing on the baseline. Limb of 'h', sometimes angular, curving to the left below the baseline. Diacritic on 'i' in minim group. Use of 'v' in initial position. Abbreviations include apostrophe, nasal mark, crossed tironian note, 'p' with crossed descender, 'com' and 'us' abbreviations, superscript vowels Biting of 'or' 'bo' 'de' 'do' 'st'-ligature. 'll'-ligature. word-separation indicated by dash. |
Notes | This is not the scribe of Add. 10294. |
Level of Execution: | Execution object (4) |
Script | Script object (4) |
Folio range | From f. 72ra to f. 127vc |
Date | c. 1317 |
Scribe description: | The division of scribes follows Stones and Gulick 2010. Shares the majority of its characteristics with the first scribe; limb of 'h' is possibly more angular. Starts smaller, gradually becomes larger and rounder. Possibly the same as scribe one, but writing with a new pen. |
Notes | |
Level of Execution: | Execution object (4) |
Script | Script object (4) |
Folio range | From f. 128ra to f. 383va |
Date | c. 1317 |
Scribe description: | Distinguishes himself from the previous scribe(s) by the form of 'a' which is rounder and more box-like. Superscript 'a' is closed (as opposed to the previous portion of the manuscript. Other form of littera notabiliores (notably 'S'). The feet of minims are more 'rotundus' as opposed to the sometimes praescissus treatment of the other scribe(s). |
Notes | |
Level of Execution: | Execution object (4) |
Script | Script object (4) |
Folio range | From f. 1ra to f. 128vc |
Date | c. 1317 |
Scribe description: | Rubricator. None of the rubricators can be identified with one of the scribes (cf Stones and Gulick 2010). |
Notes | This is Rubricator 1 of Additional MS 10294. |
Level of Execution: | Execution object (4) |
Script | Script object (4) |
Folio range | From f. 129ra to f. 383va |
Date | c. 1317 |
Scribe description: | Rubricator. More angular than the hand writing the rubrics in the first part of the manuscript (especially 'a'), 'h' curves to the left beneath the baseline. |
Notes | This is rubricator 1 of Additional MS 10292. |