Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, nouv. acq. françaises 6534
[Part 1]
General information
Folios | 21 |
Folio notes: | These are 21 folios of a 13th-c. manuscript of the 'Roman de Troie' which have served as covers for registers spanning the period 1659-1671. Eleven parts of this manuscript (of one to eight folios) have survived. |
Language | Language object (3) |
Approx. date | ?1250 to 1300 |
Date notes | Based on the writing. Two-compartment 'a' with open upper compartment; long and round 's' in final position. |
Place(s) of production | Constans 1904, 63-64 notes as a linguistic particularity the consequent use of '-ierme' instead of 'iesme' in ordinals. Possibly also noteworthy is the first person plural verb-form in '-om'. |
First words of second recto folio | [f. 2ra] c il fenissirent delor gre / |
First words of last recto folio | [f. 21ra] S i p(ri)st atenor les .ii. rois / |
Incipit | [f. 1ra] J ames a els ne penront fi(n) [Constans 7626] / (com) muneme(en)t seschauguetere(n)t / p orce q(ue) ?forui(n)t? se douterent / t ant entendirent a ouurer / q(ue) li iorz lor aparut cler / a ssez eust grant mest(er) / d eus reposer (et) a aisier / (et) de meng(er) (et) de dormir / (et) de lor morz enseuelir / (et) demire querre aus naures / M ais cil les en ont b(ien) gardez / .i. estrange ior lor ajorne / m ai(n)te pucele en sera mornie / (et) mai(n)te dame desseuree / d e so(n) marie ai(n)z la uespree // |
Explicit | [f. 21vb] I ce vos di certenem(en)t / (et) autretant muis de frome(n)t / v elt et req(uir)t diomedes / (et) thelamon (et) vlixes / a gamenon (et) roi nector / N a entroie si gra(n)t tresor / c e v(us) di je bie(n) de ma p(ar)t / d o(n)t il ne demande(n)t lor p(ar)t / P or dep(ar)tir entre grezois / O rnia plus cedist lirois / N e mes li tresor soie(n)t qis / (et) tuit ensemble cea(n)z mis / (et) quant il seront amasse / (et) nos serom ascure / d esgrezois tot esp(ar)tem(en)t / S i lor liurom tot erram(en)t / E insi fu liplez treantez / Q ui ne pot estre destornez / P(ar) tout furent litresor qis / (et) tuit ensemble fure(n)t mis / |
Material: | Material object (4) |
Watermark: | |
Condition: | Good to medium quality vellum with few holes or stitches. The folios have been used as covers for ecclesiastical registers and are worn and damaged to different degrees. The margins of ff. 1 to 8 have been severely damaged and corners have been mutilated (e.g. ff. 4, 5, 8). Folios 10 and 11 have been cropped in the lower margin. The outer margin of f. 10 has been cut. Folios 12 to 15 are in a relatively good condition. The inner margin of f. 19 has been trimmed causing loss of text in the inner columns. |
Collation: | |
Quire structure: | The structure of the fragments have been described by Constans 1904, 63. 1: ff. 1-8 (vv. 7626-8607); 2: f. 9 (vv. 9573-9689); 3: ff. 10-11 (vv. 9943-10157); 4: ff. 12 (vv. 10399-10516); 5: ff. 13-14 (vv. 12542-12783); 6: ff. 15-16 (vv. 13021-13247); 7: f. 17 (vv. 14465-14580); 8: f. 18 (vv. 15079-15206); 9: f. 19 (vv. 20883-21810); 10: f. 20 (vv. 24147-2454); 11: f. 21 (vv. 25363-25498). Segm 2.1.1. ff. 9ra-10vb; Segm 2.1.2. absent because of material lacuna; Segm 2.1.3. absent because of material lacuna; Segm 2.1.4. absent because of material lacuna; Segm 2.1.5. absent because of material lacuna; Segm 2.1.6. absent because of material lacuna. |
Quire marks: | |
Catchwords: | |
Catchword disposition: | MSCatchwordDisposition object (20) |
Physical description
General description: | Adds 26 verses after l. 10106 (cf. Constans 104, 63 n. 3) |
General illustration: | |
General decoration: | The text is structured by means of pen-decorated initials (height: 2 lines), alternating between red and blue, with flourishings in the contrasting colour. A puzzle initial (height: 3 lines) in red and blue with flourishings in both colours suggests that larger subdivisions were marked separately. |
Evidence of readership: | Scribbles on almost every folio: f. 1: old shelfmark '3153'; f. 5: 'Registre pour lan 1664'; f. 6: 'Registre pour lan 1665'; f. 7: 'Registre pour lan 1663' 'Jesus maria / joseph'; f. 8: 'Registre pour lan 1659, 1660, 16[61]'; f. 9: 'Ce registre contient diuers [...] / ou quj moin est [...] que par misgarde [...] / pa?.? est attachee au Eglise de ?Luicanus?'; f. 10: '1668'; f. 11v: 17th c? 'Du Raymond'; f. 13v: 'Reg(ist)re 1671'; f. 14: 'Regi(stre) 1670'; f. 17: 'Regi(stre) 1669'; f. 20v: 'Registre 1664'; f. 21r: in the outer margin 'Jean Mialhes' (17th c.). |
Foliations description: | Foliation in roman numerals in the upper right corner of the recto on f. 19 (clxxii), f. 20 (ccij), f. 21 (ccvij). Two sets of modern foliation in arabic numerals (one in pencil, the other in red ink) in the same position. |
Mise en page
Description 1 | Separate column for the first letter of the verseline. |
Page sampled | f. 21r |
Layout | MSLayout object (4) |
Page dimensions | 285x195 (mm) |
Justification | 183x145 (mm) |
Columns | 2mm between columns Column ruling present in Colours object (5) (RulingMaterials object (3) ) |
Lines | 30Line ruling present in Colours object (5) (RulingMaterials object (3) ) |
Rubrication | Red ink is only used for decorated initials. |
Writing above top line? | False |
Sample page layout: | |
Level of Execution: | Execution object (4) |
Script | Script object (4) |
Folio range | From f. 1ra to f. 21vb |
Date | ?1250 to 1300 |
Scribe description: | Northern textualis with double-compartment 'a' the upper compartment of which is open. Ascenders of 'b' and 'l' clubbed. The ascender of round 'd' curves to the right. Tongued 'e' in final position. Peculiar use of a majuscule 'g' in initial position as well as mid-word. 8-like 'g' standing on the baseline. The limb of 'h' descends below the baseline. Diacritic on 'i' in minim-group. Use of 'i'-longa in final position. Use of round and straight 's' in final position, with a prefence for the straight form. Occurence of trailing 's' at the end of the line. Use of 'v' in initial position. 3-like 'z'. Abbreviations include crossed tironian note, 'com-' and '-us' abbreviation, 'p' with crossed descender, apostrophe, nasal mark, superscript vowels. Biting of 'ce', 'de', 'or'. |
Notes | |