Library: | Bibliothèque nationale de France |
Sheflmark: | fonds français 122 |
Information source: |
Physical description: InformationSource object (1) Segmentation: None |
Described by: | dschoenaers |
Description: | Red morocco binding with the arms of France. Title on the spine. |
Date : | None |
Title on binding: | Lancelot du Lac. Vol. II |
Cover material: | Material object (6) |
Board material: | None |
Fastening: | |
Chaining: | |
Edges: | |
Front end papers : | None |
End papers : | 4 vellum endpapers at the front, 4 at the back. |
MS Parts
Title | Date | Place | Dedicatee |
1344 | Tournai |
MS Part Library: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Shelfmark: | fonds français 122 |
MS Part Title: | |
Ms Part Folios: | 322 folios |
Page layout: |
MS Part Material: | Material object (4) |
Watermark: | |
Condition: | Good quality parchment (few stitches, e.g. f. 33); in good condition (no tears, stains). |
Date Information
Date(s): | 1344 |
Notes: | Dated in the colophon f. 322ra |
Level of Execution: | None |
Folio(s): | From to |
Date(s): | None |
Scribe description: | Northern textualis rotundus. Two-compartment 'a' (fully closed box-'a'). Exclusive use of uncial 'd'. Exclusive use of round 's' in final position. Trailing 's' is used at the end of the line. 'i' is marked by a diacritical slanting hairline. Word-separation is not marked. Exclusive use of crossed tironian 'et'. Characteristic is the frequent occurence of a vertical hairline at the end of the headstroke of 't' in final position. From f. 122 to f. 169: litterae elongatae at the top of the columns appear; sometimes decorated with flowers / heads. |
Folios: 1ra - 322ra
1ra - 23va
(§XXXVIII-XLII) Conte de la Charette (gamma)
Paratextual features:
- ParatextualType object (1) f. 1r
23va - 93va
(§XLIII-LXIX) Suites de la Charette (long cyclic version)
93va - 218vb
(§LXX-CVIII) Agravain and preparation to the Quest (oscillating version)
Paratextual features:
- ParatextualType object (2)
218vb - 272rb
(§na-na) Queste del saint Graal (N/A)
272rb - 322ra
(§na-na) Mort le roi Artu (N/A)
Paratextual features:
- ParatextualType object (2) f. 272rb