Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds français 758

[Part 2]

» Full parent manuscript detail

General information

LanguageLanguage object (44)
Approx. datec. 1275
Date notesBased on the script which has two-compartment 'a' with closed upper compartment combined with both straight and round 's' in final position.
Place(s) of productionArras
Arthurian Fiction Database (based on Stones).
First words of second recto folio[f. 73ra] selonc cest comencement a hounour /
First words of last recto folio[f. 382ra] lui mort tout le monde . Car celui iour /
Incipit[f. 72ra] Ens se depart la roine ??d??e lassamblee e(n) / tel compaignie come ie le vous ai conte / si coiement conkes li rois artus ne sen a- / perchut non fist me sire lanc(elos) tant auoi- / ent celui iour trauillie quil ne lour sou / uenoit orendroit de roine ne de dame cas- / cuns auoit asses a entendre a lui meismes / dautre cose ne lour souuient mie orend(ro)it /
Explicit[f. 382vb] [...] q(ua)nt il / se fu partis de sarras il vint a la m(er) / t??ous?? armes (et) entra en vne nef si / li auint si b(ie)n que en peu deure vint / el royame de logres Et q(ua)nt il fu el / pais si ceuaulcha ta(n)t q(ui)l vi(n)t akamaelot /


Material:Material object (4)
Condition:Medium to lower quality vellum with holes (e.g. ff. 72, 89, 115, 121, 134, 147, and 195), stitches (e.g. ff. 76, 117, 129, and 195) and irregularities (e.g. f. 127) also in the writing space. The first folio (f. 72) is worn. The vellum has been repaired (e.g. ff. 91, 92, 99, 107, and 180 (outer lower corner)). The repairs in the lower margin of the leaves of the final quire show that this gathering must have been severely damaged (ff. 376-82).The outer lower corner of f. 209 has been torn. In some instances (e.g. f. 152v) the ink has faded considerably.




Quire structure:This portion of the manuscript consists of regular quaternions. The final gathering is an irregular quire of seven folios. The final folio was probably lost.
Quire marks:MSQuiremarkDisposition object (21)
Catchword disposition:MSCatchwordDisposition object (10)

Physical description

No. of illustrations:1
General illustration:Ilustration at f. 142va. Single-column miniature (height: 11 lines). Depiction of the gathering at 'la velle de pentecouste'. The figures are long and slender, with blank faces, curled hairdos, with expressively gesturing hands. The main colours are blues, reds, pinks and mauves. The image is set against a blue diaper background which is contained in gilt gothic architectural arches. The miniature is framed in goldleaf with a border of black ink.
General decoration:Major subdivisions are indicated by large puzzle initials (height: 6 lines) with flourishings in blue and red and j-borders blue and red in the margin. The text is further subdived by pen-decorated initials (height: 2 lines), alternating between blue and red with flourishings in the contrasting colour.
Evidence of readership:f. 82r: upper margin, drawing of a bird; f. 85r: annotation in the upper margin 'conforte moy dame ami ??...?? donnes quant ??v??ous plai??ra?? je serai conforties'; f. 127v: annotation in the outer margin 'mentres chier / red??ou??te'; f. 128 r: drawing and annotation in the upper margin 'amentres amentres / amentes a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.'; f. 178r: copy of the last line under column a (14th-15th c.?) 'comme est .t. oil ce dit palamedes (et) de plus'; f. 183r: copy of the last line under column b (14th-15th c.?) 'misericorde que ie ne poroie estre reconfortes'; f. 185v: annotations in the lower margin 'Uyz que iauis et a??...?? toute maine sanz delai par ten plesir ??.?? / Li souuenir pour tu amez ie vou??s?? sirerai / Chertez quam iemeremit en esperanche par desir ne vient de toi mon ami ??qi?? li sachies / Mortu la couleur et le cuer fremir souuent mauoie perdu ai si malement que ie / E sa(n)z ??z??ilece ??..??ir ??omnas?? li cor mir ne puis remis repossentir et la ??...??garder qu'; f. 274r: annotation in the lower margin 'tant lies comme nus plus (com)me chil q(ui) ne se p(re)net garde q(ue) che est q(ue) alui parole' copy of the last line of column a and the first line of column b; f. 350r: annotation in the lower margin (l14th-15th c?) 'Amen dico vobis sup(er) omnia bona sua constituet eum' (Matthew 24:47); f. 375v: annotation in the lower margin. 'Chier amis ie ??...?? c??ar?? vens me ??...?? me(n) ??censui?? ier ??...??.
Foliations description:Modern foliation in arabic numerals in the upper right corner of the recto.

Mise en page

Description 1
Page sampledf. 78v
LayoutMSLayout object (3)
Page dimensions320x225 (mm)
Justification220x160 (mm)
16mm between columns
Column ruling present in Colours object (4) (RulingMaterials object (3) )
Line ruling present in Colours object (4) (RulingMaterials object (3) )
RubricationRed ink is only used for decorated initials.
Writing above top line?False
Sample page layout:


Level of Execution:Execution object (4)
ScriptScript object (4)
Folio rangeFrom f. 72ra to f. 382vb
Datec. 1275 to 1325
Scribe description:Northern textualis with double-compartment 'a', the upper compartment of which is closed (double bow 'a'). 'b', 'h', 'k' 'l' with clubbed ascenders. The bow of 'h' curves below the baseline to the left. Tongued 'e'. Straight 's' and round 's' occur in final position. Use of 'v' in initial position. Abbreviations include superscript vowels, 'com-' and '-us' abbreviations, crossed tironian 'et', 'p' with crossed descender, apostrophe, nasal bar also used for 'q(ue)'. Word-separation marked.