General description: | Decorated initials
f. 44ra: Orient I: not marked 'Q(ue) lirois ninus fu autens abraham .ii.
f. 47ra: Thebes: marked with miniature 'Ci (com)mence de thebes'
f. 60va: Greeks: marked with rubric 'Ci (com)mence de ce(us) datheines delisle de trece qui encel tens seg(er)roioient (et) dou (com)mencemant dou regne de maroine.'
f. 63rb: Troy marked with miniature and large initial Ci (com)mence laueraie estoire de troie
f. 68vb: large initial Com(m)a(n)t hector fist merueilles q(ua)nt il fu uenuz alestor (et) (que) achilles loccist (et) (com) grant dolor en fu faire' 'Quant achilles vit que hector...'
f. 74vb: Aeneis, introduced by large initial
f. 87vb: Rome : Ci (com)mence de lestoremant de la cite de ro(m)me
f. 90 vb: large initial: Ci (com)mence des (con)celes li gra(n)z aseres (B)tutus si com uos oez fu premereins conceles
f. 94vb: large initial Q(ue) li dus bre(n)nius prist rachat des romeins qui fourz sen estoient agara(n)t ou chapitosle' Einsi furent liure a grant
f. 98vb Ci (com)mence des rois de mede (et) des autres rois la geneologie qui tote asie tindre(n)t
f. 110va Des rois de macedoyne q(ui) regnere(n)t iusca alixa(n)dre
f. 113va: historiated initial De neptasb(us) le roy degypte qui fu peres alixandre si (com)liplus or (con)tent (et) dient
f. 117r: large initial: Q(ue) alixa(n)dre sagenoilla (con)tre le no(m) de dieu Quant alixandre uit uenir leuesq(ue)
f. 132va: large initial Que cil de tarante se peistre(n)t p(ar) lor folie aus rom mai(n)s de bataille
f. 145va: large initial Q(ue) ha(n)nibal assembla sa ge(n)t p(our) vang(ier) lamort de so(n) p(er)e (et) le seruage de cartage
f. 156rb: large initial Ci re(com)me(n)ce des macedonois la bataille
f. 162ra: large initial Ci (com)mence la destrucio(n) de lacite de cartage |
No. of illustrations: | 40 |
General illustration: | Two historiated initials (f. 1, height: 14 lines and f. 113v: height 7 lines representing Nectanebus and Alexander?) and and thirty-eight single-column miniatures (height: c. 13 to 14 lines) in two registers with four images, framed in red, blue or both. The background is goldleaf. Vibrant colours (red, blue, green, orange) The faces of characters are pale, their hair curled, combination of long and short dress, folds are indicated by shadowing. Some elements of decor and architecture. The images are not accompanied by rubricated captions but on some folios the directions to the artist are still visible (e.g. f. 15) |
General decoration: | Ten decorated initials (height: 7 lines), alternatively blue and pink on a field of the contrasting colour, extending in baguettes of blue and pink, the eye decorated with goldleaf and tendrils, introduce major subdivisions of the story. Further subdivisions are indicated by pen-decorated initials (height: 2 lines) alternatingly blue and red with flourishings in the contrasting colour. These pen-flourished initials are accompanied by chapter headings in red ink with justification to the right. The first two to five lines of each section thus have a combination of text (in black ink, left justification) and rubric (red ink, right justification). In the text, letters are highlighted with red ink. Some line-fillers in red ink. |
Evidence of readership: | None. |
Foliations description: | Modern foliation in arabic numerals (pencil) in the top right corner of the recto. |