London, British Library, Egerton 989
L'estoire de messire Tristan de Leonnois et de la royne Ysue de Cornoaille (explicit)
General information
Folios | 485 |
Language | Language object (3) |
Approx. date | 21-10-1475 |
Date notes | The colophon on f. 485v reads: 'Laquelle ystoyre fut acheuee desc(ri)pre le xxje / jo(ur) doctobre lepropre jo(ur) des xjM vierges lan M .iiij.C lxxv' |
Place(s) of production | Northern France |
First words of second recto folio | [f. 2ra] Armes qui portoit vng escu my party dor et dargent |
First words of last recto folio | [f. 465r] que cest mervoill(es) . |
Incipit | [f. 1r] OR DIT LE COMPTE ET LA VRAYE HYSTOIRE DU S(AIN)T / greal le deuise que quant mess(ire) tristan de / lionnoys se fut party de ses compaignons de / la table ronde quj laqueste du saint greal / auoit juree . et il se fut mis ?? ... ?? queste |
Explicit | [f. 465v] En luj pria(n)t de / tresbon cuer q(ue) aux trespassens doint sagloire . et aux / viuans force et victoire s(i)q(ue) ilz lapuisse(n)t conquester / Ainsi voeil listoire finer . // Cy fine listoire de mess(ire) tristan de leonn(ois) et dela royne ysue / de corno(alle) et des fays de mains <d> aut(re)s bons ch(eualie)rs du t(em)ps / le roy arth(us) Laquelle ystoyre fut acheuee desc(ri)pre le xxje / jo(ur) doctobre lepropre jo(ur) des xj.M vierges lan M .iiij.C lxxv |
Material: | Material object (1) |
Watermark: | |
Condition: | Good condition. Large numbers of wormholes in outer folios. |
Collation: | 1-414 516 614 712 810 9-1412 1510 1612 1710 18-2412 2510 26-2812 2910 30-3812 395 |
Quire structure: | Predominantly sexternions. |
Quire marks: | MSQuiremarkDisposition object (7) |
Catchwords: | |
Catchword disposition: | MSCatchwordDisposition object (11) |
Physical description
General description: | Folios 11v-12r are blank: it appears that the scribe turned over two pages at once. |
General illustration: | |
General decoration: | Initials decorated with pen flourishes where beginnings of sentences and folios coincide. Litterae notabiliores in red throughout, with opening phrases of paragraphs executed in formata script distinct from body of the text. |
Evidence of readership: | On f. 306v: foot of page ‘plus amer Anne’ with hearts (?); f. 423r: in right margin (at death of Tristan and Yseult) in late 15th-c. hand ‘Dictez sil vo(us) plaist / po(ur) les deux vrays ama(n)s / vng requiescant in pace/ A.M.E.N.’ |
Foliations description: | |
Mise en page
Description 1 | Very simple, single broad column with only frame ruling. |
Page sampled | f. 29r |
Layout | MSLayout object (3) |
Page dimensions | 290x210 (mm) |
Justification | 196x126 (mm) |
Columns | 1mm between columns |
Lines | 32Line ruling present in Colours object (6) (RulingMaterials object (5) ) |
Rubrication | none |
Writing above top line? | False |
Sample page layout: | |
Level of Execution: | Execution object (5) |
Script | Script object (5) |
Folio range | From 1r to 465r |
Date | 1475 |
Scribe description: | |
Notes | |
Description | f. 1: 'A Anne de grauille de la succession de feu / mons(eigneur) ladmiral mil vC et xviij' | |
Date | 1518 | |
Place | Place object (1) | |
Ownership | Person object (46) | |